This was the date on which the last post was posted on this page. And while contemplating what to really write, the world just change. The Indian/Modi Government decided that the cash in your pocket is useless, and worthless, and that for the next 50 odd days, there will be major hiccups, and what not while running your households. Minor expenses such as vegetables (from the thela wala vendors), will become a task, as you search for change under the mattresses and the sofas! While, Shayon disagrees with me, there will be major ripple effects that our maglomaniac PM forgot to take into consideration. Though, I must appluad him for taking this bold step. And, while, we were reeling under the shock of our worthless money, a bankrupt, misygyonist, racist, tax evader, capitalist maglomaniac won the elections in the most powerful country in the World! He did Trump us all. And amongst all of this, do you all even remember what were you guys upto on July 11, 2013, when the last post...
All things done and said, Brazil’s defeat against Germany attracted too many unsolicited reactions. Suddenly many so called Brazil fans also switched loyalty to Germany. For them now Germany is a better ‘team’ and they should win the world cup. Also I must say that some of the funny quotes /pictures doing rounds in the Internet are really hilarious. But you can not discard decades of entertainment and excitement Brazilian football stars have provided just based on their one bad day at play!. Probably stars were not in their favor on that fateful day.(with few stars even missing!- Neymar, Silva) Brazil caught the imagination of the world , which also includes fish loving bespectacled race simply by virtue of their magical touch with the ball. They taught how to romance with the ball (no pun intended). All the slicing and dicing of match statistics would tell you that Germany were far better team in the match. Game plan, strategy, mental strength, physical strength , co-orndina...