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Showing posts from August, 2008

And The Warrior Returns...

Whoa! They call me a professional blogger and I haven't been able to write a single word for any of my personal blogs, be it TWM :: Online , Shayon's Labyrinth or even Timeless Imagination . I guess, that's what happens when all you do, during the day, is blog and then when you come back home, WarCraft is the only reason that inspires you to open up your laptop's lid and hit the power button!   I wouldn't really say that I am stressed out, thanks to my new job as the Chief Editor of WATBlog , one of country's leading advertising and technology blogs. After all, how many have gotten the opportunity and luck (this is something very rare in my destiny) to convert their hobby, their love, into a profession? The down side is, WAT is a startup, in essence. It just turned 2 , the month I joined, and we have an employee strength of just 12. Yes, you read that right. So, we realize that there is a lot of potential in the market and since our niche is very nascent, it ...

Being Democratic??

In the last few days, gory incidents across India has shaken her spirit..everywhere there is a bandh or dharna...or secessionists in j&k threatening the very sovereignty of this country..or someone from the blue comes up and disrupts the rail traffic and our government runs from pillar to post to satisfy the wishes of this mr. bainsla.... Does being democratic mean being helpless or is it that because of our rich traditions & culture that we dont believe in using power to suppress the so called "uprising" of morons.... The excessive media coverage makes sure that anybody who sits on the fast gets all the political support and obviously be seen as potential leader for the prospective parties... i am a liberal by thought...but the very notion of conducting a referendum in J&k to decide with which country someone wants to be with is completely idiotic....i think we should learn something from the chinese in this regard...arent we sensible enough to differentiate bet...

Good Morning... Top Floorers...!!!

Hey Guys... where thou be? Raj very conveniently commented that no one is commenting... here no has posted anything for so long...!!! Seems like everyone is busy busy busy...!!! Its not morning, it 8 pm in the night now. Its just a wake up alarm so that we get few more posts...that too frequently. I am especially wanting to read a post from Shayon, the professional blogger himself.... but I guess Jobs do keep all of us busy. Its not that I have been free either, had that been the case I would have posted long back. But, my Internship is keeping on my toes. As if that was not enough I had the end sems too to finish off. (Two pprs got postponed... and finally my third year is over...!!! ) In between the study and the internship, I managed a lil vacation to Neemrana. Its 85 km from Gurgaon and closer still from Manesar. (Mann, are you still in Manesar?) It was my cousin sister's wedding, and we had the entire Neeemrana Fort Palace to ourselves...!! It was a dream wedding set at the mo...

Belated B'de Wishes To Mannu

Well I thought this would be the best pic on ur b'de 2 remind of our good old dez... This t-shirt is the b'de gift from all of us .... Keep Rocking

Your correspondent from Kolkata..

Hi guys & gal of course.. I am really missing a net connexion, I feel like I have missed a lot of action last week. In the hustle bustle of professional life, it really went out of my mind that TWM Online anniversary has come & gone. Though I must confess my work is not hectic but yes I don't have the 'privileged access' at office :-(. Mannu its like that here, we don't mix bussiness with pleasure!! So in the past one year, TWM proved to be a platform to share our lives after the memorable time together in college. May be even others want to be a part of TWM, so is it that we bring in more people to contribute. We should form a core team to approve new members & lay terms & conditions probably ;-), coz TWM needs unconditional love. Friends I have read all your posts & seen your pics, but since I did a lot of reading(the comments go longer than the posts these days) which took a long time; I can only manage this post. Dion specially you, I DID see you...
Dil kabhi ganda, kabhi hai nek banda,Dil ka bharosa kaise koi kare.. Dil kabhi thanda, kabhi hai atom bomb sa, Yeh dhamaka kaise koi sahe.. Dil ki yahi khata hai, dil ko nahi pata hai... Dil ki yahi khata hai, dil ko nahi pata hai.... Ki dil chahta hai kya.. With due respect to Mann, this post comes from my world as you put it... and in my world, I can talk about either pyaar ke side effects... politics ke side effects and most reluctuntatly laws ke side effects. So this time I am going to try and analyse pyaar ke side effects... w.r.t to the boys (I promised Raj that I will come up with a post taking his life as case study...!!) so since Raj has decided to try his hand at reading the girls I am going to try and read the boys... Good girls fall for bad boys... this is a classic story that has often been seen on and off screen... (Man I did fall for Shayon ) but if all the good girls fall for the boys then what happens to the good boys...?? They end up being just friends with the girl...

'August' Beginning :Let's keep on Flying-TWM Review

Guys!! At the onset let me wish u all a belated Happy Friendship day. May the bond of our friendship remain unbreakable(We don’t need Fevicol ,do we ?). All apologies for not wishing any of you on Friendship day .It just skipped my mind so didn’t sms or call any of you although had to reply out of complusion to the forwarded SMSes I was getting throughout the day & though none of you also called or SMSed & I realized this one day after the F-day(don’t get me wrong here it means Friendship day ) but I m ok wid it bcoz as they say “Sound of silence” speaks the most & we dont need this wishing thing on a particular day. Coming to the main topic of this post ,the other day I was thinking about this blog’s journey or rather our journey on this blog has been over the last one year. How was the journey been??I hope you would agree with me that TWM has been the the best thing that could has happened for remaining in touch after college .The journey here has been really great,to sa...

Some long awaited pics I hope!!!!

NIT, Jam. had buffalos roaming the campus, Drexel has squirrels (they are so huge- compared to the Indian ones) And God said, 'Let there be light' The Armoury building on campus Winter wonderland (well not exactly, but there about) in Philly- Outside my apartment Philly in the Spring- Outside my apartment Philly in the summer- Outside my lab! Pics of New England (N.E. USA)- Reminds me of home!!!! These were taken on my second day in the US!!

To my dear friends..

The Arrow and the Song I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For, so swiftly it flew, the sightCould not follow it in its flight. I breathed a song into the air, It feel to earth, I knew not where; For who has sight so keen and strong, That it can follow the flight of song? Long, long afterward, in an oakI found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Happy Friendship's Day...!!!

Karma called me last night... it was an out of the blue call to wish me a Happy Friendship's Day. It was then that I realized that I did not have any other phone numbers of the The Top Floorers and decided to dedicate a post to all of you on TWM. A group of friends who may ,may not have anything in common but the fact that they were staying together on the top floor of their Hostel... and the funniest of it all is that I am still figuring out as to how I got amalgamated into this group and am writing this second post. for the past three odd years...I have been listening to stories and reading blogs of all of you who write... I have heard the anticipation about the jobs..and have been reading about job satisfactions...  after that. I haven't had the chance to meet any of you... even Karma I hardly met for an hour but I feel that I know so much about you guys... and I cant thank you enough for making me live the hostel life minus me actually being there...  Its been a great frien...