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Showing posts from July, 2009

I am BOASTING.. but who cares..

Well, news from my end- I have scored awesome marks in my VIII semesters, and stood second in my batch for the semester. I still have two more semesters to go. But- if your good wishes are with me, I am sure that I am going to top. And in the other news, the organization that I am working with is called Rainmaker tag lined as- empowering the legal industry. So we basically do a lot of recruiting for law firms and for candidates alike. And we do a lot of condom stuff related to the legal feild, which I am sure that you all are not interested to know. The interesting thing is that one of the assignments I had gotten was to find out about architectural facts of the High Court of Delhi and click pictures along with it. I had no idea what it was gonna be used for. But it came out as a video , which is awesome! Please see it and tell me how it is. Rest, all is great. Love you all... cheers...!!!

A view into the mind of a rebel

It's been a while that I have posted any article on the website and what compelled me to write this post was Raj's article "Why One should resign".I really liked the points he mentioned.I have been thinking of writing this article for quite sometime but his post jettisoned me to write this article.I guess,Raj has listed all the good things which one can expect by forsaking a 9-5(rather a 9-6,in India).This article is a reflection of what all is there on my mind so as such it's not a structured article.Here we go. Though, I am quite a fearless guy and knew that resigning is the right thing to do but never did I know that I would feel so peaceful and satisified after actually doing it.It feels really great to have come out from the shell of 'security'(read :fear)! Believe me,life couldn't get cooler than this.In CSC,though I wasn't working much,but I hated the mediocre people all around, and literally every damn thing about them-their views about lif...

now its my city getting wet ...

These photos are taken inside my plant...

My city..My life

It's 30 minutes past 8 in the morning, he would most often snooze his alarm untill well past 9 am. The housemaid has not turned up yet. There is another strike today in the city and office goers are looking forward to an extended weekend. He finally stopped the alarm at 9:49 and he has to hurry today. No transport coz of the strike, breakfast at office canteen coz of the maid not turning up (the strike is just an excuse; she lives just a few kilometers away) and an important conference call to attend. He must pick up the call at 11:00 am from his cube in office. He's brushing his teeth & going through the city digest in one of the dailies. There has been a massive jam last day as a huge procession was held by a section of society for some welfare cause. People missed their flights & trains. Tourists could only do sight seeing of a sea of human bodies & enjoy the fish & sweet delicacies of the city in their hotels. He must hurry and leave the paper. ...

why should one resign ???

I found the following points to be most motivating for me to put my resignation: 1) To have good sleep without bothering to wake up early morning . 2) To get rid of punching at 7.30 . it sucks, especially during winter. 3) To have good breakfast which would include milk, fruits n all the healthy food. 4) So that u dont have to see same unsatisfied, frustrated faces daily. u would never see smile on these faces. 5) So that u dont have to prepare any useless excel sheet or any drawings. 6) So that u dont fear when ur phone rings. 7) You dont have to worry about grades & appraisals. Noboby can judge u, only God can judge u. 8) To give time to ur friends & family. 9) So that u can give full time to ur fiance.. this might include driving, dancing in rain , watching movies or just go for a walk hand in hand. 10) To be happy from inside without tension of any month ending or quarter ending targets.. 11) To live ur dreams which has been in ur eyes from the very childhood... 12) To do w...

Happy Two Years to TWM!!!!!

And we are exactly one whole month late to wish the blog, which has given us THE platform to talk about ourselves- As we would have- had we all been still on the Top Floor of Hostel E. From the first Jobs to resigning from them, to finding and realising our dreams to seeking the very motivation to do something realllllly mad. The blog definately has come a looong way. Yesh- Its is own page, creating an identity for itself in the blogworld with the bunch of Mad people that we are. Here is wishing TWM- A very Happy birthday and may it have a loooongggg looong loong life.

a masterpiece

how is this ?? obviously , its not my piece of art ...its done by a class 6 girl , way back in 1999. i never knew that she is having this talent too ... i saw this in her home... i liked it so much that i took the pic & thought of sharing with u all ... its a full size large painting... the size is so big that she used to sit on it to paint .. any guesses who is that girl ?? dion ??? we all know her ... our juniour .. i am not disclosing her name .. lets see who guesses it correctly ...

A song: That fits us all.

We are a bunch of idiots!!! Silly people. And trust me, we are a bunch of technocrats and me an advocate to be who are learning to dream and live those dreams. And since most of us understand music more than words.. here is a song dedicated to us, our dreams and our future... Amen...!!! Na… nan nan na na na Nan nan na na na Nan nan na naaaa… Naa… nan nan na na na Nan nan na na na Nan nan na naaaa… Yaaro jee bhar ke jee le pal Lagta hai aaj kal Daur apna aayega Yaaro jo khud pe ho yakeen Toh zindagi haseen Tujhe kal bulayega Yaaro jee bhar ke jee le pal Lagta hai aaj kal Daur apna aayega Yaaro jo khud pe ho yakeen Toh zindagi haseen Tujhe kal bulayega (Hai junoon oooooonnnnn Hai junoon sa jeene mein (Hai junoon sa jeene mein) Hai junoon oooooonnnnn Hai junoon sa seene mein ) Na… nan nan na na na Nan nan na na na Nan nan na naaaa… Kahin jaise koi dhun baje Raahon mein dekho hai manzil saje saare Hum hi hum jahan mein har jagah Sapne Sajane ki humko mili vajeh Kahin (kahin) jaise koi (koi...

Another Topfloorer setting the road on fire : I HAVE RESIGNED

Yo! Yo! Yo!How you all mothafuckers doin' ? Another TWM member has added another feather in the cap of the rebellious spirit of The Wall Mag. Please open your mouths and gulp down the second shock pill of the week. I HAVE RESIGNED! Like Raj said "Yes,you read it right! I have resigned" ;-) All the Interesting details will be given after sometime. Please don't call me in the meantime as I am a lil busy!

what u do after u resign ???

Presently , I dont have any work to do in office .... see the following pics to knw what i do now .. These are the sites open on my dextop: this is my company helmet which reads : Freedom, Passion, Dreams Raj - naam to suna hoga

Time to renew registration of TWM::Online

Wow! After spending every single day of the last 6 months working on the Wordpress editor, the blog editor of Blogger actually looks so minimalistic. But then, for a change, it is quite a respite from the overwhelming plethora of options dissed out by Wordpress. Anyway, I had absolutely not intended to take the spotlight out of Raj's previous post but an email from GoDaddy actually forced me to type out this post right away. Would you believe it? It's been almost a year since the inception of TWMOnline ? Yes, and as GoDaddy reports it, the domain registration for is due for renewal on September 06, 2009 . Now, while I'd have been more than glad to renew the registration on my own, I shall not be able to do it this time since I do not have a credit card and am penny-less on my PayPal account too (had bought it off my PayPal, last time). So, who would like to be the volunteer this time? Criteria: you got to have a credit card or a PayPal account with a minim...

I have resigned

I have resigned from my job ... following is my resignation letter : To, The HR ******** ******** Sub: Resignation Through Proper Channel Sir, This company is unable to fulfill my emotional, financial & spiritual dreams so I quit. Thanking You Yours Sincerely, Raj Alakshendra after 2 long years the time has come to take this step.. i have been thinking of this from long time ... i got trapped in office politics ... last morning my boss said some bad words which hurt my ego ... it was not my mistake ... i respected him a lot ... he is a great designer but yest all the respect was washed away... today morning the HR called me n said to shift to other dept . this dept is a graveyard.. The boss is coincidently a passout from our college but he is a mad old man ... havnt seen a smile on his face ever.. he is an AGM but shouts like a cheap roadside guy ... people come at 7.30 in the morning & go at 7 or 8 in the evening.. I thought now the time has come to fufill my dreams with full ...

Happy birthday, Shayon..!!!

The Cake Before your day ends- Here is wishing you a very Happy Birthday from all us at TWM. Yeah- I know its a formal formal and all that, I can't help it. Because, unless and until you all want to read a mushy mushy post that talks about how much I love Shayon.. it will be this formal. Anyway- I really wanna thank all of you who sent in their messages and pictures.. because it was worth all the effort. Extreme left of the Collage Rest of the collage. I wish I could have captured the look on his face when he was going through the collage- it was a like a child who had just discovered unlimited source of chocolates. In a way he is a kid, who needs all the push and the pull... to get him to do anything. But- we all know, how much this kiddo loves to face the odds right in the face and say- I don't give a damn. Here is wishing you and your killer attitude, your passion for DOTA... sense of humour and the HUGE reservoir of love and affection that you have for all your friends.. al...