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Showing posts from 2011

Happy 2012

Different sights from Jamshedpur

Have you done some stunts as a kid; jumping from the bed with a towel tied  around your neck!! I could do some stunts like skidding on my bicycle. Just happened to come across this video and seems like the kids are having great fun..

Delhi Trip [December 2011]

Here are a few pictures from the meetup. For more pictures, do check out my FB profile. Shall also upload them soon on Flickr.

Making the Christmas more than merry!

So, it is Christmas and we are all getting ready to bid adieu to the year 2011!  I am sure that a lot of us went through loads of ups and downs, and that we would be looking back at certain fond memories of the year gone by and at the same time, we will be wanting to start the New Year *The last year according to Nostradamus or some one or the other* before the world ends. And, thank heavens that I got to meet loads of TWM members before the world is kicked into the chaos gear. So making the Christmas Merry, this year, we had with us, in saddi dilli, Dion, Raj & Shayon *Shayon's moved back to Mumbai* and there were us- Mannu, Gandhi, Debu and myself! We missed the rest of you! And, it would have been one hell of a party had all of you been here!  So from the lunches to the dinners and to the absolutely random trip to dumdama lake and then Jim Corbett national park, the guys had loads of fun *I am hoping that my assumptions are right*. I of course, being the Cinderel...

A Football Post

Here We Are....The match video At the end of the video you will see FCB player's photos in a bus. Those were taken before the match when Players were leaving from their hotel. We unknowing reached near the FCB team's hotel while walking in the Yokohama city when we saw a big crowd near a big hotel. We waited for almost two hours for the players came out from hotel. Many people were standing to take autographs. But nobody was lucky. They came down the hotel and reached into the team bus swiftly. But ..but something miraculous happened there. One guy suddenly started screaming 'Shakira'. She was Shakira, the Pop singer came to Japan with boyfriend pique, the barcelona central defender. It was an enjoyable night.


Barcelona team has arrived in Tokyo today for FIFA Clubs World Cup. They will directly play in the semifinal on 15th December.  check out the news: Can't miss to see Messi &  Barcelona. It's a lifetime opportunity. So, I'm taking a holiday on Thursday to see the match. Hmm. There is the other news for which I'm writing. Yesterday I attended Tokyo Motor show. This was the first time I've been in Tokyo. There was no time to visit the city except the motor show due to lack of time. Some of us has decided to go to Tokyo and spend few days from 30 th dec  for new year celebration. The New Year resolution will be to discover world’s most populated urban metropolitan. As expected, this year Japanese motor show did not have the same extravagance like previous years. This was mainly because of the gruesome tsunami that has brought down the business of Toyo...

Perspective on Modern Life - Devdutt Pattanaik

'Men say No'

This Blog is part of the  Men Say No Blogathon,  encouraging men to take up action against the violence faced by women.  More entries to the Blogathon can be read at . Join further conversation on  &  t *************************************************************************************************************************************** So, when I was invited to write on this topic, I had a lot of thoughts going criss cross in my mind. And, I almost started posting this on my own personal blog, then, it hit me, that why don't I post this HERE, and start a discussion, with who better than the men in my life!  And my problem is that Delhi is helpless and I stay there!! And it needs help, from the psychiatrists and Councilors. One part of the education budget should be kept aside for educating the men, old, young and even kiddos, to manage their anger and their Ego....

Happy Birthday Maindhak!

So, today is the Birthday of our very own Maindhak! The one guy, no, actually, one of the many here from NIT who just would not spell or pronounce my name right, and look at me, I am still writing a budday post for this frog! Anyways, so here is wishing 'Chax' a very Happy Birthday!!! The first after his marriage! *Wow, this is the second birthday post in a row for the very happily married member of TWM * All of us from TWM wish that the smile on your face remains intact along with your witty sense of humour!! And I personally wish that you finally learn your English alphabet right and spell my name correctly! :) *Just Kidding* Once again, wishing you happiness, success and a great long life! Happy Birthday!!

NIT Jamshedpur students to prove their mettle in London formula-student race

NIT Jamshedpur students Engineering students of NIT of Jamshedpur have set an example for B-town ‘Engineer-Idiots’ by manufacturing a wonder car which would be hitting the racing track in the London’s Formula-student-UK-2011 to be held from July 13 to 17. The 11 engineering students of NIT Jamshedpur have developed wonder car equipped with several special features. The previous version of this car had brought laurels to the institution and students by winning the Formula Society Automobile Engineering Australian Racing in 2011 in Melborne.  Team leader Uttam Kumar a mechanical engineering student said, “After participating in the Australia Formula Racing, many modifications have been done in the engine. Earlier it was of 150cc but now the capacity has been raised to 600cc. Now the wonder car can touch a top speed of 200km per hour. The weight of the car is 270 kg.” The creators of the wonder car have named it Drift Racing 211 (DR 211). The engineering students in...

Hiding behind a veil

Privacy and secrecy, all are a part of ones existence. We all have our own space, our own things, eccentricities which we don't like to share with the world! But, please people, this is a public forum, basically a place for NIT Jamshedpur's Wall Mag to hang out (and yes, a lawyer too). You have all known each other through college. Outside college also we meet up, we interact and we have fun together. Then, why veil yourself?? I am honestly pretty tired of 'Anonymous' comments on our blog. It is no fun, especially when one of 'US' ends up posting as an anonymous identity! We are not here to judge people by what they say. The most that we can do is pull the other persons' leg and joke out of it.. *And I am hoping that I am echoing everyone's feelings!* So, I propose that we disable 'Anonymous' commenting on the blog. You are welcome oppose this motion, and I suggest that we have a decision taken on this issue!! Thanks!

Happy Birthday- Dipayan!

November seems to one hell of an active week for all of us! There are a slew of posts, one after the other! Like literally! And here comes another Birthday Post!! Today we are all gonna wish our very own 'Open' source guy- Dipayan!!! The only one for whom I will not a wish of getting a fair bride, because he already had one! So for him, the right wish for his birthday would be that of peace... And happiness and loads of success! Here is wishing Dipayan a very very Happy Birthday!! We all wish the best for your birthday :) PS: Birthday is on 21st!

TWM's favorite adult movie star Award 2011

The crazy Indian media has found its new muse for few days.Sunny Leone(pronounced as Sunny Leoni),the Indian born Candian porn star, is all over the news as she happens to be the latest entrant to the crappiest show ever- Big Boss-5. Though I have never watched Big Boss in the last 5 years for the sheer silliness of the show and its participants, but seems like now I maybe a little motivated to watch it given Sunny Leone is here. Sample the joke below, the variants of which have appeared in TOI,HT and have been floating around on Facebook "Husband to Wife(husband pretending to be a good guy): Who is Sunny Leone ? Wife to Husband : The one whose videos you have been hiding in your desktop in Sunny Deol's folder! Sunny Leone has caught the fancy of Indian media and Indian youth, so does TWM know about what its members like? We do all sort of polls ,but why not sometimes discuss things which we usually keep under the cover, so I thought that it was a great time to add some fire t...

What happened in NIT Jamshedpur

Our college, its professors and the students - none of them will ever change. There is this 2nd year guy called Sanket who had written a blog post about it. Looks like he developed chicken feet later on and pulled the post down. Nonetheless, being the geek I am, I retrieved it off Google cache and took a snapshot. Download it to read what had happened in NIT Jamshedpur that day. Sanket's blog post [image, 17.4 MB]

Happy Birthday- Rathz!!

So this is the month of Birthdays!! And today we shall celebrate thebirth of our very own creative director! The one person who I truly believe is wasting his years and talent at TCS! Dude, make good films, write a great story or two, publish your own book! I really wish for you to be that famous guy! You know the one who we all shall brag about!! And today, especially after your last post, I wish you, that you find that GIRL, the one who is made for you, and I shall pray, that your true talents shine- for the world! Happy Birthday- Rathz! We all wish the best for you, in all that you do!

Half Time

Roughly, we may be at the half way junction of our active (able-bodied) life cycle. We learnt a lot of things since the time we crawled on all fours to this point. Though there is still confusion as to which road to walk. I think I am on a side path which may suddenly drop me on the main road. Is it not the time to apply my learnings and do the things I had imagined as a younger restless mind? Now I am able and fearless. Still, it is also the time to get settled. No more of Brownian motion. That's my personal choice. But again there is this call for a quest, will there be another trajectory that will be altogther different if I make the choice? A state of duvidha ! I had been on adventures to find a companion for the journey ahead. Alas, not all expeditions are successful. Hope is important to the exploring spirit for there are still beautiful patches and brilliance! I am ready for the next half nevertheless. It's time or is it time!!

Happy Birthday Karma!!

So it is the Birthday of our very own super shareef and super sweet Karma! The best part being- that- he is back in India (For Good.. Yipeee!!! ), and I am sure that he must be having a blast! So, our dear Karma, On birthdays normally a gift is given and a return gift then taken! But, for you- I am going to take the liberty and from all of us-I am asking for a return gift! I am asking you to get your ass back on TWM and enlighten us all with your petals of wisdom! :) Any ways- Happy Birthday to you :) And we all wish you all the success in life! And one extra wish that, Comes- JUST from me.. That may you get a pretty bride, as soon as you please!!!

Which phone to buy ?

Raj had posted here regarding his confusion about which car to buy. Though that seemed to be a no-brainer to me as I would have gone for Honda City but I am in a similar situation ,the only difference being that I'm confused about which mobile phone should I buy. Requirements in the phone: Long battery life. I'm a lazy bum when it comes to doing routine chores and want to have a phone whose battery lasts at least long. My dad has a Galaxy Ace and he has to charge the phone almost every day. I took some feedback from those who have iphones and Galaxy S series mobiles and they say that their batteries keep running down quickly and they have to charge their phones almost after every 8-10 hours even if they moderately use the phone. I don't want this headache and am looking for a good phone. Don't have budget constraints. Haven't researched much about phones because I don't feel the enthusiasm. I don't know what I want as I'm happy with my Nokia 1100, the mo...

Mission-Bring Sam to Delhi

Most of us are going to here in Delhi from 21st-23rd December and we're surely going to miss those who wouldn't be able to make it. While Rathindra wouldn't be able to make it because he's seven seas away,I think Samik can surely make it. I mailed Sam for his contact number long back but as expected,the lazy bum never replied(I doubt he checks he ever checks his emails). I urge you all to get in touch with Sam as we set out on our mission to bring Sam to Delhi. Since he's studying and may not have money to splurge on air fare, so I was thinking that we can sponsor our friend. I'm ready to sponsor his one way flight ticket and it'd be great if anyone can sponsor his flight back. Let's bombard him with emails so that he finally comes out his den. Keep updating the status here.

Message in the Bottle

Dear Rathz, I like your idea about the travel diary.. except that there is not much to say this time. I am as a matter of fact very blue, because the holidays are up and I am going through post holiday depression! But, I do have a lot of stuff gathered from my previous Goa trip.. and surprisingly both these trips were to two distinct part of Goa! So, I think that a combination of my naive observation will make for a decent read. But it will take some time. :) Dear Dion, Your Goa, is BEAUTIFUL! I love that place, and even though I have been there twice (third time was when I was like 7, so that does not count), I already feel like owning a house there so that I can be there as and when I want. Now, I know, that, your home town has a lot to do with the lovely person that you are. Dear Karma, Now, that you are finally back.. :) I can't wait to see you in December... and please please call me up as and when you can..;) And, how about a post? Dear Mannu, Duhu to the ...

Happy Birthday - DINO!

I am writing this post from Goa, so only befitting that, I write this birthday post for you :) I wish you the best best birthday ever. Can't wait to see you. Another bonus will be Karma, who shall be returning back to India tomorrow! Lots of love & wishes!!

Dream of a Lifetime coming true!

Heading off to the Metallica concert. The band which we grew up listening to in college and the men whom we idolize will be out there on stage today. I don't know how will I react when I see James Hetfield, in flesh and bones belting out the hits and Kirk Hammleet driving his guitar insane and Lars Ulrich beating the percussions to glory. Phew! I feel like a child. Will update once I'm back from the show! A big day in the lives of metalheads in India! Off to Neverland.

Happy Diwali :)

India vs China-Race to the top of the world

While the western world is lamenting over the lack of growth in the economy, the story in Asia seems to be more sanguine than it has ever been. Being a keen observer of the developments in China, I feel quite fascinated with the usual India vs China topic. Since the media of any country can be too critical or optimistic about its own country, magazines/newspapers such as The Economist, WSJ seem to be more reliable and from what I perceive from there is that while Indians, like me , are obsessed with India and think about India,China in the same breath, the Chinese don't view India more than a regional player.While the Indian newspapers seem to be covering news on China from time to time, the Chinese media hardly find discussing about India as a topic of interest.Open the website of The Economist and any day, you'll find some or the other news related to China,as much negative as positive but still something the western world is fascinated about, while India finds a mention some...

HeadPhone & FullScreen

Kartavya. Courtesy: NIT Jamshedpur

Set fire to your music

Thought that I'd share some good new music so that you guys can explore more if you're bored listening to your collection. Here's my first recommendation. Listen to "Set fire to the rain" by Adele-a song which I have become obsessed with listening ,singing these days.Reminds me of my crazy days, when I would go crazy listening to the same song infinite number of times,driving others nuts.Adele is running on top of my music list these days as she is on the billboard. Though I no more play music, exploring "new" music is something I do everyday and dwelling more into the music of the bands of which I had heard one or two songs is something I remain perenially obsessed with.If you're a great fan of alternative/new wave music of the 80s or want to check out some good bands apart from the usual stuff, The Cure, The Smiths,Crowded house, INXS, When in Rome,Eurthymics, Alphaville are some of the bands you need to have in your collection. If you're looki...

which car to buy ???

Many of u must have got an idea from my fb status that my family is in plans to buy a car probably during Diwali ... And we have got so much confused having so many options . Anyways, we have finalized a few . Petrol options : 1) Volkswagen Vento 2) Hyundai Verna fluidic 3) Honda city Diesel options : 1) Volkswagen Vento 2) Hyundai Verna fluidic First of all I would like to know petrol or diesel ... The car will be in nagpur and running will be more ... Now read some funny discussions that is going on in my family regarding the car .. The biggest problem is we all are engineers and all from NIT (including dad) so everybody starts talking of technology... My youngest brother who has joined Maruti few months back, talks of Maruti tech ... Initially my dad had plans for Honda city but the other day our neighbor bought it and he decided not to buy that ... Oh !!! male ego .... Also my dad swings the budget non & then ... One day he says 10 lac and the other day he comes down to 7 lac...

Let the Festivities BEGIN!

MY most favorite part of the year has officially begun! The Navratras and Durga Puja, kick start the festival season... and Oh BOY! Ain't I in my usual, festival spirit! :) Even the stupid economic crisis that I talked about in my previous post can go take a hike. Because, even if I am not celebrating the festivals, the whole spirit of the festivals just gets to you. It is the time to be happy and thankful for all that we have got in life. And, the happy spirit that these festivals infuse in all of us, makes up for the crappy times that have gone behind. So here is wishing All of You- A VERY HAPPY NAVRATRAS and a VERY PROSPEROUS DURGA PUJA!!! May Maa Durga, bring us all lots of Happiness, Prosperity & Peace! 

The great Indian Middle Class dream- Broken?

I The great Indian middle class dream is slowly turning into a night mare where the common man, as the middle class and the upper middle class is known, is not only being taxed like nobody's business but they have to pay the brunt of the poor, who are not tax payers! There are no subsidies or the tax benefits for us! Of course there are the ads but in all how much can a salaried middle class afford to really save? Back in 1991, when the man who was is our PM now, liberalized the economy and made the middle class realize their dreams,  is the very person who is shattering the dreams of this middle class! Ironic. Full circle of life- whatever you may want to call it! As the petrol prices reach almost 70 Rs/liter, and beyond in other states, it is hard to imagine what it would be like to run a house! If at all I am ever able to buy a house! The stark reality that, Metro cities and living in them is going to be as good as impossible unless, I stumble upon a lost relative who out o...


The Sunday before the last Sunday, I was getting bored and feeling guilty  for being indoors on a day of glorious sunshine. After I had put some shine on my office shoes and ironed the cloths for a week of tidy and smart looks; I called a taxi for the train station. I took the first train out of town towards the South. Bad luck it seemed was hovering just outside the small town, no sooner I crossed the familiar roads, bridges and houses; it started raining. I could hear a lot of curses aimed at the weather gods; I just wished by the time I get off, the sun comes out. There was a couple sitting diagonally opposite. They were carrying an infant, probably a baby boy. There was a genuine good feeling inside me seeing them. People passing by them would bless the baby and share a smile. The couple too looked very happy and it seemed from their talks they were taking the baby to some relative's place for the first time. I was thinking of the delicious food one can re...

Happy Birthday to Me!

I was really hoping, that minus the FB reminder, if nothing, and no one, at least Raj would put up a Birthday post for me! But, I forgot, that this blog is mostly no, 99.99% is populated by men, and they do not remember Birthdays. So, after waiting the whole day.. finally, I am putting up my own Birthday post. So, here is wishing Happy Birthday to me! I am getting older. But age they say is only a number.. so, it is not entirely depressing that I turn 25. Actually, on a brighter note, now, I am officially of drinking age!  I am sure that you guys are thinking about me, and wishing me Birthday. So therefore, I am closing the comments on this post! Thanks in advance for all your lovely wishes!

Metal is here-Metallica is here!

Inviting all members of the TWM living in Delhi/NCR to join me on this once in a life-time opportunity to see Metallica live in Gurgaon on 28th October. Remember that you may get a chance to see F1 next year, but who knows that whether we'll again get an opportunity to see one of the greatest bands in the history of rock music! Seeing Metallica live is almost like a dream come true for me as you all know my level of craziness for metal!Hope to see other fellow TWM members banging their heads there. Let's rock because nothing else matters in the world!

Formula 1 in India

After months of speculations,it has been confirmed a few days ago that the Formula 1 race is going to have its chapter in India this October from 28th-31st October. More than the excitement of getting to see the cars zooming at those crazy speed,I feel proud that India will now be among a handful countries to have an F1 track. It makes me feel proud of the emerging India and it is one of the testimonies of India having arrived on the world stage just as Terminal 3 of the Delhi Airport is, which supposedly outshines most of the airports of even developed countries as per the feedback I have heard from some people who have traveled abroad quite a bit .Currently, it's the eight largest airport in the world with an aesthetic appeal which I think only a few airports would be able to match. Whenever I go there, I feel incredibly optimistic about India's future. I have already booked the ticket for the race. In fact,I rejected my parents proposal to schedule a vacation during t...

Quo Vadimus

This Latin phrase translates to “where are we going?” It is a question we must ask ourselves, where are we going? When I reflected on this, the recent case of Anna Hazare and his idealistic vision for India came to the fore. Colour me cynical, but I doubt anything good is going to come out of his “fast unto death”. Even the vaunted M. K. Gandhi (and do not get me started on him) took over 50 years of senseless fasts and constant vacillating between cooperation and non-cooperation to get India, her independence in 1947. It took us in total; 90 years to unite the country and gain independence (over 115 if you count Goa too). 60 years of wanton corruption does not come to a halt in two months or even two years. The deep ingrained disrespect for the law by the very lawmakers requires a purge the likes of which we have not seen in India (and I’m not talking about using Castor Oil or Milk of Magnesia which sends shivers down my body- the horrible memories of childhood). Laissez f...

Advice needed for Goa trip!

Guys, I'm planning a 3 day Goa trip with my family from 31st Aug-2nd Sept. Wanted your inputs whether this is a good time to visit Goa. My parents have already booked the ITC Guest House there but we can cancel it if this season is not a good time to visit To be specific, my queries are 1. Will water sports be still on in this season ? I just don't want to return without having done water sports because of the rising seas ? Doing water sports is something which I have been looking forward to for quite sometime. 2. How much is the amount of rain towards the end of Aug in Goa and will I be able to enjoy the beaches or will the clouds be looming over the sky throughout the day. 3. Is it "safe" to go to Goa with your parents ? :-D I have more questions but will ask them once based on your responses to the questions above. Looking forward to quick replies as I'm already late for booking my flight tickets and have to do it tomorrow .

** Happy Birthday Mannu Bhai**

Many happy returns of the day !

part 4 - a walk in the rain !!!

This is turning out to be interesting !!! Here is the twist ... Enjoy the extended part of my story... As I mentioned in part 3 the separation thing , there has been no talk between us from past week or so ... I am in bangalore now and it was purely due to business reason when i has first made the plan. But then I added one day extra to meet "the mystery girl " ... Wow that's a nice name for her .. She is actually a mystery for me... In between all this planning all mess had happened and it was like no meet up in bangalore ... But deep down my heart it was my wish that if i have this way long , I should definitely meet her ... Yesterday while taking shower , I got a call and I missed it . I checked my phone and to my greatest surprise it was from mystery girl. I thanked God so so much . I called her back and the first line she said was "I read the posts and they were good" . So, raths she has been following wall mag as you had queried ... Wall-mag helped to make...