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Barcelona team has arrived in Tokyo today for FIFA Clubs World Cup. They will directly play in the semifinal on 15th December.  check out the news:
Can't miss to see Messi &  Barcelona. It's a lifetime opportunity. So, I'm taking a holiday on Thursday to see the match.
Hmm. There is the other news for which I'm writing. Yesterday I attended Tokyo Motor show. This was the first time I've been in Tokyo. There was no time to visit the city except the motor show due to lack of time. Some of us has decided to go to Tokyo and spend few days from 30th dec  for new year celebration. The New Year resolution will be to discover world’s most populated urban metropolitan.

As expected, this year Japanese motor show did not have the same extravagance like previous years. This was mainly because of the gruesome tsunami that has brought down the business of Toyota and Honda a lot. The European Giants did showcase their muscle or technology as they again tried to prove that they some steps ahead than the rest as per technology is concerned.
2012 January New Delhi auto expo will be a bigger event because more number of companies will participate and more numbers of cars will be displayed.  You guys should visit that. I made the following two videos. First one is BMW electric car concept which I thought the best display in this event. Second video was taken mostly from our bus to catch some glimpse of world largest urbanized area 'Tokyo Metropolitan'.


atri said…
Good one bro....hope you enjoyed the tour to Tokyo and auto expo...The videos are good and I liked the background music
Whoa! That BMW concept car looks great. Longing to be in Japan. Will be there the coming summer for a vacation.
Chiranjit said…
@Mannu: This is quite a longing at Japan
I will be in Delhi sometime during April-2012.
Unknown said…
Konnichiwa Chiru..get an autograph from Messi for TWM!

Mannu - Why Japan?
I have a friend from CSC who's doing his Phd there and has been asking me for the last 2 years to come there. Secondly, unlike for the US, the return ticket to Japan is fairly inexpensive, so I thought that let's start my first vacation abroad with Japan only. However, nothing is confirmed yet and I have Russia also on the cards as I have had Russian neighbors. So it's either gonna be Russia or Japan or who knows maybe nothing :-D
Chiranjit said…
Just came back after finishing the match. I will write in details later. check this out.
raj alakshendra said…
loads of mech feeling i am getting on seeing the videos ...

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