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Showing posts from August, 2007

My new Guitar, Sam get on the bandwaggon and get a new one, a proper one

This my new guitar. A 'Fender'......... Semi-acoustic, amazing amazing black Com'on Sam buy a new one...............

Two more..

THE WRITE UP HAS BEEN CENSORED. So just the photos for you. For more on our Jsr trip: Read here

My trip to Jamshedpur. Don't ask for what, I just had work there!!!!!!!!!!

Cutting the reunion cake (with plastic spoons). Raj can't even keep a knife at home (that house needs a womans touch- what say you Raj????????) Realxing at Raj's. DJ D back at work. Ratz in the Cleopatra position, but no one's interested. The cake that is always there. Cake is courtesy Brubeck Bakery, D'costa Mansion Jamshedpur. And tasty as always!!!!!!!!!!!! My mouth's watering, IS YOURS??????????? Live life in Color (forgive the spelling, but I'm goin to the US and thats how they spell it there). Notice the wine. Sayantan was responsible for downing half of it and Naidu gave company to the other half. Our 2K3 reunion photo. But I really am not sure it could be called a reunion given the shear lack of numbers and that we only did just pass out (of college I mean). By the way Raj as usual holding up a bottle to show the world that he is a toaper (that means 'tunky') too. Notice the people who actually do the drinking aren't holding up any glasses (...

Abhishek Singh Killed In An Accident in Ohio

UPDATE (August 22, 2007) : Just found out that our worst thoughts have come true. Abhishek Singh, referred to the article below, is indeed the one we'd known as " Scientist " in our college. Just came across this article on Tribune India. There is also a photo published alongside. Foreign student killed in accident Christa Gould / For The Post / Abhishek Singh, an Ohio University student from India working on his doctorate in physics and astronomy, was killed Saturday night after he apparently was hit in a two-vehicle accident and thrown into the Hocking River. He was 22. Singh was born in Faizabad in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India on July 7, 1984. His parents are Amarendra and Indu Singh. He had been studying at Ohio University since fall of 2006. Before coming to Ohio University, Singh studied at the National Institute of Technology in Jamsehdpur in the state of Jharkhand in India. He earned a degree in electrical engineering. “He wa...

Postcard from Mussoorie

Our Maruti guys got a company sponsored trip to the beautiful hills of Mussoorie. Debu too was on that trip. As he's busy with his professional life, he sent me few snaps & a small account of his feelings from that trip for me to post on this page. So here it follows:: It was like a fresh drop of water falling on the green leaves of a dying tree that suddenly stopped getting the water due to the lack of care by the people around it. But finally when it came, it was an outburst of all happiness. He opened the crooked leaves and spread on the rain. The cold water was flowing over the dry trunks and the dust which was lying beneath the tree were dancing in water and was splashing the mud water on the tree. He felt exhilaration when the mud was coloring his body as he knew the pure water which is coming down, will carry the all dirt. After a heavy rain fall when the clouds get tired after showering enough tears, the cold air started blowing over the branches. It started nodding his...