Our Maruti guys got a company sponsored trip to the beautiful hills of Mussoorie. Debu too was on that trip. As he's busy with his professional life, he sent me few snaps & a small account of his feelings from that trip for me to post on this page. So here it follows::

It was like a fresh drop of water falling on the green leaves of a dying tree that suddenly stopped getting the water due to the lack of care by the people around it. But finally when it came, it was an outburst of all happiness. He opened the crooked leaves and spread on the rain. The cold water was flowing over the dry trunks and the dust which was lying beneath the tree were dancing in water and was splashing the mud water on the tree. He felt exhilaration when the mud was coloring his body as he knew the pure water which is coming down, will carry the all dirt. After a heavy rain fall when the clouds get tired after showering enough tears, the cold air started blowing over the branches. It started nodding his head and the memory of "last rain fall" started getting thinner with the fall of scorch-biting sun light on the very next morning. Days will go and new days will come with a lot of celebration. A celebration to overcome frustration, a celebration to announce the liveliness and a celebration to mark a life may be on the farthest corner of some one's heart...
Debashish Roy
4th-7th July 2007

It was like a fresh drop of water falling on the green leaves of a dying tree that suddenly stopped getting the water due to the lack of care by the people around it. But finally when it came, it was an outburst of all happiness. He opened the crooked leaves and spread on the rain. The cold water was flowing over the dry trunks and the dust which was lying beneath the tree were dancing in water and was splashing the mud water on the tree. He felt exhilaration when the mud was coloring his body as he knew the pure water which is coming down, will carry the all dirt. After a heavy rain fall when the clouds get tired after showering enough tears, the cold air started blowing over the branches. It started nodding his head and the memory of "last rain fall" started getting thinner with the fall of scorch-biting sun light on the very next morning. Days will go and new days will come with a lot of celebration. A celebration to overcome frustration, a celebration to announce the liveliness and a celebration to mark a life may be on the farthest corner of some one's heart...
Debashish Roy
4th-7th July 2007