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Advice needed for Goa trip!

I'm planning a 3 day Goa trip with my family from 31st Aug-2nd Sept. Wanted your inputs whether this is a good time to visit Goa. My parents have already booked the ITC Guest House there but we can cancel it if this season is not a good time to visit
To be specific, my queries are
1. Will water sports be still on in this season ? I just don't want to return without having done water sports because of the rising seas ? Doing water sports is something which I have been looking forward to for quite sometime.
2. How much is the amount of rain towards the end of Aug in Goa and will I be able to enjoy the beaches or will the clouds be looming over the sky throughout the day.
3. Is it "safe" to go to Goa with your parents ? :-D

I have more questions but will ask them once based on your responses to the questions above. Looking forward to quick replies as I'm already late for booking my flight tickets and have to do it tomorrow .


Ok, I love Goa during the monsoon season.
But with regards to your questions,
1. I doubt there'll be any water sports at this time. The sea is fairly dangerous during this season.
2. It's not always raining during the monsoons and you get dry and hot spells during that time so you'll probably get days to enjoy the beach.
3. I'm not sure what you mean by this. Depends on how bad you want to be! I really do not see a problem!

Let me know if there are any other questions.

Thanks,"Goa" . Haha. That's what you used to be addressed by others in first year.
As you said that the water sports is most probably not going be there at this time, so it is worth going here. I mean, what else there would be there to do in Goa ?
There are a lot of places to see in Goa. Going more inland (towards the East), there's more greenery, etc.- so that makes for an relaxing vaccation.
Depends on you!

raj alakshendra said…
lucky u, to visit goa with ur parents !!! :) ha ha ha
Yeah! :-D
Sakshi said…
About the safety thing- When I had gone with my family- I did not touch alcohol or go for a night out at the beach.
But, early one morning when my sister and dad went for a walk, they did encounter a topless foreigner!

But, otherwise, it is fun, with the family too! Explore and have fun!
:-D . Am not sure whether I'd be going or not. Maybe will postpone the trip by 1 month . By then, I think the water sports will again be on. Though it's gonna be greenery there as Dion said, but I have been going on a vacation/holiday almost every month and most of them have been one of those hill station kind of places,so looking for something more adventurous now.
Sakshi said…

If you are gonna be in Goa last week october/1st week november, ring me up!
I will be there ;)
I have cancelled the Goa trip for the time being. Will probably go there in October now when there are more things to do.
raj alakshendra said…
mannu and his planning ... it gets cancelled numerous times ... itihas gawah hai !!!
Haha. Not anymore.If you hear the number of trips I have been to in the last few months, then you'll see that thoda change aa gaya hai. Here are they:

April-12 day Nainital, Almora and the Kumaon region trip
May- 3 day Garwhal trip
June- 4 day Pune trip
July -4 day Jaipur trip
Aug - 15 day Mumbai trip
Ab bol :-D

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