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Being Democratic??

In the last few days, gory incidents across India has shaken her spirit..everywhere there is a bandh or dharna...or secessionists in j&k threatening the very sovereignty of this country..or someone from the blue comes up and disrupts the rail traffic and our government runs from pillar to post to satisfy the wishes of this mr. bainsla....

Does being democratic mean being helpless or is it that because of our rich traditions & culture that we dont believe in using power to suppress the so called "uprising" of morons....
The excessive media coverage makes sure that anybody who sits on the fast gets all the political support and obviously be seen as potential leader for the prospective parties...

i am a liberal by thought...but the very notion of conducting a referendum in J&k to decide with which country someone wants to be with is completely idiotic....i think we should learn something from the chinese in this regard...arent we sensible enough to differentiate between gandhiji's method of satyagraha and these trouble makers' agenda...cuz the people who take who take up volatile issues to gain political mileage don't even represent the general public and ground realities on the terra firma are completely the opposite....
and their agenda is clear to rope in the uneducated by giving them hope of incentive and unleashing the mob power...this very phenomenon was very much existent in tamil nadu and punjab in the past but due to no media coverage neither could the leaders achieve political mileage nor was their movement successful..then today why are we hesitant to unleash power against the trouble makes in kashmir?? whom are we scared of ..US?? i dont think pakistan obviously....the more media covergage we give, the bigger issue it becomes....and US gets involved.

kashmir is indeed intergal part of india and internal issue of india and at least in indian administered kashmir, india should be able to control the things by hook or crook....nywyz leaders in srinagar are really blackmailing government to spend evrythin on them and not on jammu else they`ll raise the issue of "azadi"....and the present tension is not specifically due to Amarnath land but its just that the volcano which was dormant had no option but to erupt....

I think we should cut media coverage and punish the trouble makers....
Well thats what US,Israel,Russia & others think that until u solve ur problem on ur own international community and organizations will just conduct some foolish talks and make mockery of your systems.....
Obviously citizens of both India and Pakistan will say that lets consider LOC as border and lets resolve this issue forever but unfortunately the "secret" forces (read politicians) in the world wont let that at least we should begin to clean up our mess....
and secondly economic progress does resolve most of the issues...

Coming to original point of protests, i`m not totally in favor of quashing the protests.

I think its a vicious circle....consider this:


goverment in china will take up your land if it thinks it can utilise it for a better purpose but will compensate you for that properly..

in our case systems are so complicated even for a educated person, that we know that proper farmers will never be compensated properly, forget about landless ones.

And if the government at the first place had sufficient land, or even chunks of it which were equally good, why the farmers would have been so resilient to leave their homesteads..but then again somewhere we have to have masterplan for the do we envision its future...and then carry out changes once and for all.....example on micro scale is delhi....mistakes committed in the past are being rectified and in most places government has put a bar on any construction activity and delhi has suddenly become a better place to live...(i`m not talking about crime rate right now,but about infra only) a trade of between development some initial hitches are expected, but at least with one master plan and subsequant implementation cant we
actually hope to amend all the past mistakes....

the approach has to change....Japan was very arrogant country before US dropped the nuke...but it was necessary to calm them down...and after that the top down approach to improve the people of japan by its government really helped japan...this was done with strict punishments for any crime and strong incentives by the governments for anything that benefits the country....

But who is at the top who can decide autocracy really better.....but again it can be like "Bhutan" or "Nepal"....who knows....

the culture we need is the one in which people push themselves up rather than pushing everyne else down?? God Help us....In God we trust!!

P.S. : the post has become rally abstract, but i dont get time to really compose and post online...whaever comes in ma thought process....there is goes....


raj alakshendra said…
so dangu is back n that too with a very sensitive topic...

well i dont go to indepth of politics but somewhere down the line its the media which gives hype to anything that happens around .... i never read the 1st page of never paper ... its all kind of negative written by our country .... n all this media channels r supporting one or the other party.... the 1st impression made by he general public is what the media shows them... for example the bihari - mathu tension in maharashtra ... it was a publicity stunt used by raj thakery ( unfortunately his name is raj ) n media fully supported in his "noble cause"

i really get very pissed off when the so called leaders do such things 2 our country ... democracy is good but it is being missed used in our nation ...
Sakshi said…
Hey finally another political post, that too on Kashmir. Well, apart from the unusual issue of the Amarnath Board, there is constant tug of war between the Center and the state... The reason being that Indian Constitution only has the right to save Kasmir from external aggression ,communication development and one more thing that skips my mind. J & K follows a completely different constitution. If you ever get a chance to read a law book, i.e bare act, you will see the extent of that act, which sys "this act extends to whole of India except the state of J &K". The reason for same is the conditions under which Kasmir ceded itself to India at Independence. Another thing that I want add is that, even if India decides to resolve the Kasmir issue and put its foot down, Pakistan will never be in the favour of any resolution, because its the Kashmir Issue that keeps Pakistan alive in the International circle.

As far as Singur is concerned, I think, that more than the government its the educated society that needs to take a stand. We have to choose the coreect leaders at all the levels and make the politicians realise that we put them in power and thereforethey better do whats right for us.

Also, the politicians in India, play the game of Political Survival... they come and go out of power thanks to the bandhs and rallies against the opposing leader.

@ Raj
The only reason democracy is being misused in our country is because we let them do it. We vote..remember...!!!
I for one don't believe in Gandhi's (and now I talk about the famous one- not the one famous in NIT, Jam) peaceful movement. I've always believed that somehow Bose had the right idea. I have to disagree with Bose on the way he went about puting that idea into action (getting close and personal with those anti-semitic forefathers of today's skinheads is not something I'd do).
With regards to what you say about Indian admin. Kashmir, Gandhi, I think that's bullshit, there's only Kasmir (an Indian admin. one), there shouldn't be any LOC with either Pakistan or China, there should be a border and the insurgents should be treated as such and chucked out by force or otherwise. The mistake that the govts. have made till now (and no difference bet the Cong. or the BJP or whatever it was called that time), they recognised the LOC. There's no compromise for such stuff. The US or Russia for that matter can't complain about India wanting all of Kasmir (it is after all part of India) and if they do wanna complain, then lets just remind them of Texas and Serbia and so on.
And Gandhi, you're cavalier attitude towards nuking someone is cause for concern dude!!!! That shit wrecked a lot of lives.
And sadly "In God we trust" is a sloagan already taken- the US. I see it everyday on the bills.
And it don't matter if its bullshit you post, this ain't The Times of India (oops, I meant The Hindu, the Times prints any rubbish- but thats why I love it and will continue to do so). You only have us few docile critics whom you call your friends.
Ankit said…
hi..actaully wat i meant was anybody can call a strike and hold the state for ransom....somebody thinks that govt isn`t right and he'll call a strike and uproot railway lines, smash public tansport...and voila....govt is at his feet....dont u think at that moment even we shud use force....wat i meant was we know the diff between peaceful real protesters and the trouble makers who hold state for ransom....

i knew "in god we trust" on us bills...(i`m a pneumismatic)....

and for not recognising the loc or doing it...i think first we shud control wat we have and then strive for the other one....reason is we can make our portion safe first by force..else if we directly go and bang whole kashmir...pakistan will attack and we'll be officially be in a state of war...which can harm us..and even our international relations will get strained...

but, may be i got emotional writing the post(i mentioned, i write directly)....but the basic theme was why do we allow anybody to hold the state for ransom?? by talks or force, state shud win....why do we always compromise....we shud learn somehtin from our fren russia....and about texas...we are not us...and cannot win somethin by war...nobody will dare take action against us...but if we do somethin against this polarised, there is gr8 chance that arab world will unite against us....and now specially when the enemies are within our territory.....
shanoob said…
Hello Gaandhi...
Nice to meet u man... I havn read ur post coz im least interested in all these... nyways...

keep in touch...

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