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hi gurgaon....oops its manesar....bye then...

dil ke raste mein aisi thokar maine khai, toote armaan saare ab khamoshi hai chaayi, har khusi kho gayi, zindagi kho gayi...kya maine socha tha aur kya kismat mein aayi....

the story goes like this....gurgaon bol ke manesar le gaye, zyaada salary bolke perfromance bonus include kar liya...translator lake japanese log mast lagate hain indians ki....khali baithne pe photo kheech te hain, nobody to attend us in training so called (27 days for us vs 7 months for royal gurgaon guys) in gurgaon, 95% are indians, in my plant 70% are japanese....everybody from those who had worked for 1 year to those who r workin there for 5 years advised us to leave since we had options , they a 7 to 7 job. well that includes conveyance time.....with precise 30 mins of lunch time, 7 min of tea break, wait till 8th and japanese will start staring at you, and at 9th minute expect a flash of lite.....dream job???


Shayon said…
1st, I took the liberty of ironing out the zillions of typos u made in the post. Lemme know if u dnt wnt me to, I'll keep my urge in check, in future.

2nd, I think it was "toote kwaab saare" rather than armaan.

3rd, Well...wot do i say. This is the so-called coveted job in Maruti? Was this why everyone had been dying to get into this company? Thanks for the statutory warning, dude!!
Karma said…
are Amkit-Bhai tension nehi lene ka...apan sab ka haal aise-ich hone wala hain...isliye bindaas rehne ka aur sochne ka ke apun college me jitna time waste kiyarela hain,usich ke liye abhi ka watt lag rili hain!
Unknown said…
with gr8 choices comes gr8 decisions..

decide on d pros n cons n think ahead..

dont do anything in haste..

make a sensible n wise decision..

Individual success will not be attained by migrating to a particular 'hot' industry, or by adopting a particular
career guiding mantra.

Instead, the individuals that thrive will do so because they focussed on the question of who they really are, and from that they found work that they truly love, and in so doing unleashed a productive and creative power they never imagined.
Shayon said…
@ Rathz

Dude, it seems your lonely stay in Orissa has turned you all spiritual, eh? ;-)

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