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My point of view..

well like shanoob I too wanted to come to the IT sector, core, I thought of as a boring affair..ya there has been some harsh experiences after actually joining IT..and add to that the timing of our joining..there has been a slowdown in the US economy as well as the Indian rupee is a result all is not fine in this sector..hopefully the bad phase gets over soon..

moreover I think now various companies are targeting markets elsewhere than the US..that's a good strategy than being at the mercy of the dollars from US..

like Deepayan said there are support jobs in this sector which anybody 12th grade guy can do..that's why now I think a change must come in the IT sector..Indians have done a lot of support its time we get into 'development' kinda well as into 'product development'..that way margins too will increase..another thing will be these kinda jobs will be done by 'proper' graduates not any 12th grader..

that's it, folks..


Unknown said…
bhai log sab ko kya ho gaya hai... sabhi senti kha rahe hai....
its life enjoy every bit of it....
Look rathin i make it a point this time time is not the same in IT as before.One prediction is that by 2016 recession will be at its peak and situation may arise US ppl will apply visa for coming to india.IT growth has come to a saturation level.This is the truth and one more thing itz going to be tha age of Autopreneurs.Network marketing or what Raj is doing now is at itz tremondous growth and one day it'll be the age of autopreneurs.In this aspect i support Raj because he made a right decision in doing marketing(I think he predicted it before).For further clarification Read The Next millionaires by Paul Zane Pilzer.Very useful to u.
Dude! one more thing TCS condition is still better than other IT giants.Atleast you People are been put up in to some work and you work and you get your salary.The same condition is not prevailing over other companies.In IBM perspective they kept an exam which an 5 year experienced mainframe professional would have felt difficult in many are being ask to move without any reason and till you get a confirmation mail your condition will be in danger.For you people, theirz no condition as dont worry around, njoy every moment.....

Shayon said…
Baapre...public suddenly IT sector ki maa kahe chodne lagi hai?
Unknown said…
hey thanx krish....
i suppose others too understand y m upto network marketing...
Shayon said…
Truthfully speaking, there is networking everywhere around us. Even if you are in a core company or software, you need to network with people and keep yourself in the loop if you wanna get noticed. There are loads and tons of talented workers in every industry and getting noticed is what gets you that crucial edge over others.

Even while we were back in college, it was very crucial to get noticed by the profs and stay put in their good books.

In our social lives too, we always network with people to stay in the loop. No one likes to get ignored and everybody loves being famous and recognized.

So, there you see, we have networking and network marketing in every fucking sphere of life! Sometimes it's the products that you market and mostly, it's you yourself!

Thus, it's no big deal when network marketing suddenly gets recognized. Everybody has been at it since age immemorial. It's just that we have just endorsed the phenomenon with a nomenclature, a few years back, and talk about it as something new around the block!
Unknown said…
ahaan..see who has come up in support of raj!!

rightly said..
Unknown said…
m still workin alone without support frm ne of my frnz n finally i hav got everything on track ... many strangers r believing me n workin with me....

@ shayon

arre tune to pura eassy hi likh diya hai networking pe....
Shayon said…
@ Rathz

thank you for recognizing my efforts.

@ Raj

chance pe dance kar, popat...networking pe bakne ke liye itna sahi ammo diya hai tujhe...ekdum ratta maar le!!
Unknown said…
@ shayon
whts dis ROTFLMAO ???

where is dion???
no post frm his side frm long time..
Shayon said…
@ Nasta Boss

ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

Dion had messaged me on GTalk yesterday. Couldn't catch up wid him since I was already asleep. Apparently, he's been too busy these days.

By the way, some more developments on my job side...shall talk about it once I'm in Jsr.

And well, u still plan to leave Tata Motors by June?
Hey guys!!!
I checked this blog page after 2-3 weeeks. I had exams the last two weeks and though this week was a break for me (spring break), I've been workin in the lab and have been very busy. I thought I'd start with the 'Character of the Month' post. Hope to put it up by Sunday.

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