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Just a Hi to all you buddies.....

Please don't get scared. May be many of you are thinking what happened to me and why am I writing here. But being a silent spectator in this blog, I suddenly thought of coming out of the grave and write something about me. After all, this blog binds us all.

Aall is well in Bangalore. Me and Shayon are only two here a I seriously wish that I will be able to meet few of you here very soon. On my job front, everything is smooth. On my personal front also everything is cool. Finally I became the proud owner of my bike. My EMIs for the bike completed last month and now RTO has stamped that it is my sweet bike and ICICI has nothing to do with the bike.

Well, few days back I bought three books. Though most of you know that the only books that I buy are related to computers but this time all the three books are related to management. The list goes below:
1) the One minute manager
2) Fish
3) Tipping Point

All three are wonderful books and I suggest all of you to read them.
'the One minute manager' tells about how to become a effective manger. Here manger refers to not only managing people but managing self. This book says that if you can manage yourself well then all will be well for you. It's a great read and just for 125 bucks it a great buy. I seriously loved it.

'Fish' tells you how to boost your morals and how to make your workplace more workable :-). How to enjoy the work which most of the time is not enjoyable for most of us. It takes example of a American fish market for explaining things. Wonderful!!! and its just 100 bucks.

The last one is 'Tipping Point'. Its tag line says 'How little things can make a big difference'. It starts with an example of Hush Puppies. A little known brand in India but is renowned in America and other parts of world. I talks about how the then dying brand suddenly revived itself and went on becoming one of the world's most famous brand. Its costs 225 bucks and is also a great buy.

Request you all to read these three books and share your reviews.

Ok, enough for today. Don't know when I will again write. But you can expect soon....Oh one more thing please visit my personal blog as one of my new year resolution is to bring it to life again. Though it is mostly technical but still Sakshi, you are always welcome :-).


Sakshi said…
hey Dipayan!! Great to see you here!!! I have dropped on to your personal blog once in a while... It is so totally techie. Never the less great effort.

I have read FISH and its an awesome book!!! :)
Long time no hear! Great to see you here.
Thanks for the suggestions- probably if/when I get time, I can read them.

ABC said…
nice surprise Dipayan..

It's a 'lovely n cute' post.. :)

I have seen the documentary on 'Fish' was good..

and yes congratz for ur bike..

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