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Postcard from Morley, Leeds

How do you feel when you cross zones? It is exciting to go out of your zone; the probability of new adventures increases and you break away from a somewhat monotonous existence though there can be fatigue and emotional drain but that comes later and can be ignored for starters. The new zones will give you unfamiliar situations and you have to soak in everything. Later, these experiences will/may give way to new thoughts and directions.

Well, I got to cross territorial zones three weeks back into UK from India. During the journey via Dubai and the stay so far in UK, language has never been a problem. English and Hindi/Urdu have guaranteed that I get my directions, tickets, seats and food without any translations.

My first reaction while seeing the landscape while touchdown at Manchester airport was that it is like Assam !! Actually, it was green and wet to do the illusion for me. It was a fine sunny day when I arrived and it is a lovely time to be here. Locals say it is spring time and I would love the weather. Though the temperature toggles between 5-10  degree celcius and unusually I have adjusted to the cold very quickly.

It is very quiet here and the birds also do not chirrup much. You will get wireless broadband almost anywhere here, so the 140 tweets are more than the birds' tweets. May be when it gets a little more warmer, the birds will start making the noises. Daffodils are already blossoming to signal the advent of spring.

Here there are many restaurants offering Indian cuisine but I am missing the daal and idlis. Only problem is during lunch time, for now I am compromising with fish and chips and may be later I will have to carry a lunch box first time after school days.

Last weekend I traveled northwards to York. I liked the trip and I will have to make another round as I could not get time at the National rail Museum. I have loved trains and at college too I wanted to do our final year project related to use of power electronics in trains but Madhu ma'm crushed my interest !!

That's it for this time. I will sign off with some pics from the weekend trip.




PS: To see more pics, you will have to read other posts and comments on TWM to find the album link !


Karma said…
After a 9 month long existence in UK three things I could say for sure

- Birds here do not chirp
- Cars do not honk
- Dogs do not bark

You have found the first one....u wud slowly get to know the rest!
Nice post and saw the pics in your picasa album! Being used to seeing every public place crowded in India, it felt a little weird seeing the pics. Those places looked desolate but in a beautiful way. By the way,if a person in on UK Visa, he can travel to Wales ,Scotland and Ireland freely,right ?

Madhu Maam's name reminds me of our Taklu's fetish with her during college days! Hahaha.
@ Rathz,
Nice post and pics. The churches look amazing! Even the castle!
@ Mann,
You're putting a negative connotation on Takle's infatuation/crush!

Unknown said…
Happy fools day guys !!

Karma 2nd time .. hahahaha ..

What's the prank by the way ;)
raj alakshendra said…
this is beautiful ... will definitely come to u n we will make a "Euro Trip"

kaas madhu maam mech ko padhati ...
ABC said…
I'd played around on the occasion of April fools !!

Pic 1: Assam Tea Gardens near Sibsagar
Pic 2: St. Paul's Cathedral Kolkata
Pic 3: Near Gurudongmar Lake, North Sikkim


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