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Calling Out Fellow TopFloorers

Okay, I can see quite a few TopFloorers have already joined the bandwagon. What a pity that Karma is still huffing and puffing for an invite! This is strange! I’ve sent him an invite to join wall mag not once, not twice, but thrice! N yet he reports of receiving no mail from Blogger. Apart from the already joined forces, I’d also like to call upon Krishnan, Sambhav and Nandu to share their email ids so that they too can be invited to join in.

Why them, u might ask. Well, everyone’s aware of the kinda vocabulary Mr. Load possesses, in English. He just has to open himself up a li’l to leave us awestruck. I’ve always been in awe of his sarcasm and his panacea of using the very perfect word, in the very perfect context. He’s a reader’s delight, for sure!

As far as Sambhav is concerned, I find him to be a knowledge storehouse. Whatever be the topic, howsoever be the company, he always has something or the other to say. Moreover, I feel if he shares his experiences of his working life with all of us, someone or the other shall surely be enlightened, including me for sure. I always felt the lack of his communication in our community on Orkut. But now that we are planning to meet up on the Blogosphere, I really really feel he should be included in the cast!

And last but never the least, Mr Nandagopal. He might not be the best orator, but he certainly writes well. My trysts with his writings were a few testimonials that he wrote on Orkut. Even though the numbers were few, they did manage to leave an imprint in my heart. I find his uncanny sense of humor pretty relieving and it gets u refreshed in a jiffy. He’s capable of lightening up any person’s heart with his words. I know, his ear to ear smile was more refreshing, but don’t they say, “Something is better than nothing”?

These are the 3, I’d really really wish, should contribute to the wall mag. As for the ones hu I’ve left out, please don’t take offense. Prolly I din’t mention ur name ‘coz I haven’t had the chance of getting up, close & personal with ur literary stints. Anyways, I think I should go back to work, now :-P. Before I sign off, I’d urge the ones hu’ve alredy joined the mag’s authors’ list to gear up and start posting. Guys, u all r sitting like a duck at home, these days. If u say u can’t post now…then when will you? The way I’m doing, from office?? *LoLz*



Unknown said…
may b u shud hav put some sound effects wid d pic too..

u do one more a "we've moved" sign on page..

chiru actually joined tht blog n posted a comment..
Karma said…
huffing and puffing yeh....not a very wise selection of vocublary
Shayon said…
@ Rathz

Dude, unfortunately, I've already unsubscribed myself from the blogpage. U gotta ask someone else to do that. I think Dion is still a co-author there. Ydoncha ask him to do that?

Btw, wot do you say that we name the blog "TWM::Online" itself? "By The TopFloorers" feels weird. Wot say?

@ Karma

Hmm...yeah, I knw. It's jst tht i ws in office wen I'd posted tht n I dint hv much time to think up the right word :-P

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