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Cheers- To peace!!!

It is the one year anniversary of 26/11, a day when the financial capital of India was held hostage to terrorists... not for one, but for almost 4 days.
The ONLY days in the violent history of Mumbai where, the city came to a complete standstill... and when the entire nation was glued to their television sets... seeing a reality unfold in front of their eyes- which was no less than a movie.

There were candle marches then, there are candle marches that are going to mark the memories of those dreadful days on its first anniversary. But, we still refuse, refuse to take action- SOLID action.
Everyday without fail there is one blast... or new terror infiltration.... and not from our unworthy neighbours but also from within our own country.
Its a shame that we have become immune to violence, that it doesn't matter to us anymore.. or does it?
If it does- then we should just stand up and say ENOUGH to blood and guts... ENOUGH to losing of so many innocent lives at the hands of petty politics... and give a chance to live a peaceful life...

I pray, on 26/11, that we all realise the value of peace- and give Peace a chance.


ABC said…
We may be leading a life oblivious to the extent terror that is being unleashed everywhere and the number of innocent lives being lost. I came across a visual on television that said ‘Don’t Forget.Dont’ Forgive’. True, we should not let the violent incidents that kill innocent people go out of our consciousness and instead put pressure on the administration to bring the perpetrators to law.

Times are such we need to be alert and cooperate with the administration in matters of safety & security. Each one of us should get this into our habit.

As for the government, I think they should start taking a tougher stance.

Jai Hind..
Shayon said…
For all updates on my life, all u need to visit is @shayonpal ;-)
Wassup on the block,guys ? Howzz everyone doin'?
At my end,I've finally got some respite from the grueling application season! Done with the application of most of the universities and also done with the interviews of a couple of them. For the last one and half month,I have been busy writing countless essay,and LoRs and filling and editing numerous information fields in applications. So will try to be more active on The Wall Mag.
Wassup on the block,guys ? Howzz everyone doin'?
At my end,I've finally got some respite from the grueling application season! Done with the application of most of the universities and also done with the interviews of a couple of them. For the last one and half month,I have been busy writing countless essay,and LoRs and filling and editing numerous information fields in applications. Will be more active on The Wall Mag now.
Ankit said…
we r too selfish!!
Seems like Gandhi has become another Shanoob!
@ Mann!
Right on!
@ Guys and gal
I'm sorry for being out of touch. It's real hectic out here (maybe till Friday next week- exams and all), then it should get a bit calm before the holidays- so expect something from me then.
Sakshi said…
Since everyone is keeping tabs here, I thought that I will also leave my news here-
Me is off to Goa- Mumbai for a week. Will be back on 13th.
Take care, catch you guys in while.
Koi naya post daalega ki nahin.This "Cheers to peace!" article has been hanging for some ages now! :-D

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