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love, life,mobile, rain & so on ...

I was not getting any topic for this post so i just wrote whatever came in my mind ...
the main motive of writing this post is to break Gandhi's poems ... sala wo bhav bhi bahot jada kha raha hai , what this fuss is all about...

today its a romantic weather in jsr ... i feel like going uot with a girl for an evening walk & then hav a sip of coffee .. wow what a perfect date ...
nothing to cheer about .. no girl for the time being :(
in the evening I am going out with guys for "KITES" .. the payal theatre has changed totally .. tickets are now Rs 120 so public coming is also good .. this is the 1st time I am going there after renovation ...

My mobile is totally fucked up ... handsfree , data cable,volume keys, half of the keypad is also not working ... I can only talk on loudspeakers ... what is working in it - GPS, Wifi, internet , all applications .. So, my phone has become more of an internet modem .. Camera is also working ..
In this condition my phone rocks & works better than many other phones ...
Probably , il shift to a new one very soon ... This time it might be a BB :)

I have been busy all this month travelling - Bangalore, nagpur, patna ... Business is rocking ..
On daily basis new people are joining my group ... There is a strange trend in my group ... After joining my group many people have cracked IIMs ...

as far as love is concerned ... I am single :( but i know not for too long .. some new girls are in pipeline .. lets see how it works out ...

Have fun guys ..


"Some girls are in pipeline". ROTFLMAO! Seriously hilarious!
Sounds like he's got a production line running!
And why are you angry with Gandhi? Are you jealous that he has someone and you don't?

Unknown said…
Always puts in something to lure ppl into his business, this time it's the IIM craze !!

abey Raj agar, blog, tweet aur facebook nahi hota to tu kaisey promote karta?? These sites are a boon today for promoting anything..
Shayon said…
This guy is a frustrated soul, man... spare him a thought.

Dude, it's not just Gandhi, but everyone who's got the right to express themselves, here on the blog, the way they like. How many times have I myself put up extremely cryptic posts out here? Let him give out the facts as and when he pleases, the way he pleases.
raj alakshendra said…
y wud i get jealous ..
my prod line has got non-stop production :)

ya ..m using these sites to the fullest ..

If some1 else tells me frustrated , i can agree but not u ... M way behind u dear :) ...
But i agree that its an addiction for me to be in a relation .. whats wrong in that btw ??

wht the fuck was that lecture on rights to express & all ... abe gandu i was trying to force gandhi to disclose the suspense .. sala tu to load le liya..
Ankit said…
@takla: saale teri production line gaadi complete hone se pehle ruk jaati hai

@Shayon & Dion: Guys thanks for the support.

@Rathin: i second ur opinion: saala is baar mujhe product chipka raha tha iim se link kar ke..."aspirational marketing method".

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