It started with orkut during college days and words like orkuting (chirkuting too), scrap , community , testimonial came into common language ... i still remember once we had organised a contest in college fest on highest no of scraps...
Next we all moved to facebook and the orkut lingo changed to fb , status updates , feeds , events... Along with that FB brought many controversies ...
Now are we again shifting ??? This time to google+ . I get a friend request almost dialy on google+. I joined it and have a look at it .. It looks much cleaner than FB but i cant comment or rather compare any more as I havent started using it yet ...
But here the point arises - Do we get bored of these social networking sites after usage of few years ???
If you ask me , yes I am bored of FB ... And the day my set of friends are on google plus , il also shift to it ...
And the million dollar question is Can google+ break the 750 million subscribers of FB ???
who knows ... It happened with orkut so it can happen this time too ...
Lets enjoy the commpetition ...
Btw Shayon's updates have already started coming on goolge+ !!!
Just when we thought thought that Facebook is invincible , google+ has entered the enemy territory and if the statistics are anything to go by, google+ is here to say