Sooo finally ,we are pretty close to that time of year which is full of celebrations .
This is the time which which makes us look back in retrospection at what all did we achieve or couldn't achieve this year & wat all we aim to achieve the next year.
Guys, hope you would have got an inkling of the mood I m in today. Deviating from my usual funny, leg-pulling self , I am gonna be a lil serious & practical today.
I think Masti definitely is an indespensible part of living your life in1 a colorful way & "bakarchodi" is our own way of enjoying life but friends always remember to spend each day of your life towards the attainment of your goal because in the end what matters is not your masti but where you are & wat you are & the fact is that we are Nobodys ..Cruel but true! But hold on, I am not being critical of why are still Nobodys what I am trying to say is that It's time that we choose from two options : 1>Being a "Nobody" 2> Being a "Somebody" .
If we choose the former we can just go on with our lives without making any extra efforts but if we choose the diffciult one ie the later one ,then we have to be really very determined . I think the time is rife that we become more focussed than ever on giving our lives the way shape we have always wanted to give .For this ,we have to constantly strive to improve ourselves on the paramters we have set for us. Most people think that improving yourself means performing good in the professional job you are holding to because that will give you your livelihood .Nothing could be farther from truth beacuse the fact is nobody wants to get STUCK in a job which he doesnt like doing at all.It's time that we start taking steps further in the direction of our dreams & accelerate our pace if we are already doing so .For eg,if one wants to do some Hi-tech research on say computers, he should devote his time & energy more towards it rather than worrying about performing good in his company.
In this respect, I have real appreciation for Shayon who's planning up a start-up Not to mention Raj who's planning to go full-fledged in his Amway thing or Dion ,who has got a perfect score in acads in his University & is constantly trying his best to pursue his passion & this is just the beginning amongst us.I think there is huge lot of potential still waiting for an explosion.People who are just abetting their time ,steadily taking steps in the direction of their destinies.
So let's take a Resolution today :Let's make 2k8 the most glorious & productive year of our life.Let's set milestones for ourselves & keep on exceeding our own expectations .Let's pledge that each day we'll make some contribution(howsoever miniscule) towards the realisation of our dreams .As they say "you get to live this life only once.So do all that u can do now so that you dont regret later in life." Stay motivated & keep Walking ! Johny Walkers'..
Let me suggest a motto for TopFloorers for 2k8
" Our Destinies beckon us.It's time to Jet Set & Go!!!" .
Guys , one more thing if you need any kinda help or suggestion feel free to let us know .You never know who may have the magic pill to your problem
& yeaaaaaa we'd love to know your new year resolutions here(Samikkkk-No laziness plz). We all need to get inspired from one another. Happy New Year!! Cheers!!
Let the bond of our Friendship be stronger than ever.Amen!!