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On a Sunday Noon,I had nothing to do,so I came up with this........

I'm sitting here in the boring room
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon
I'm wasting my time
I got nothing to do
I'm hanging around
I'm waiting for you
But nothing ever happens and I wonder

Hola! Buenas Dias junta !

Man I am bored.I could not better sum up my status quo than by the opening lines of the song lemon tree by Fools Garden.Though I there's slight no stretch of imagination its raining outside. Anyway,back to the post.This lassitude is driving me insane ! I tried my hand in DOTA and got kicked from most of the match due to my high ping and low Exp.How mean!! Is there theres nowhere in this world where starters are appreciated??

Sigh !! What life used to be when I was in school and then in college.Everyday was a new challenge.And now its a placid lake..serene and inert..listlessly waiting for someone to ruffle its surface.Jyada Gyan de diya kay! Man of late it is like this..I am always in pensive and melancholic mood.I can see Rathz fiddling with his DSC H50.That guy too is looking for inspiration...fiddling with his cam ,shooting aimlessly keeps his mind of the state of things here.Now he is summoning me for a photo shoot.Man I am wary of these photo sessions coz I never saw a photo where I look good.For the shots he took you have to wait for next post.
Samik has gone for his AIMCAT.I alwayz wonder why these tests are called MOCKCAT..probably bcoz everytime we take it we do nothing but make a mockery out of ourselves!!!It would be a CATastrophe for me this year too!I don't think I have any real inclination for this feline discourse,just there coz everybody else is.

Now this is pretty interesting stuff here.I remember writing this real interesting piece looong time ago.It started off like any of our regular brain-tingling sessions.Our here refers to Myself,Rathz and Sexy Sam.So the typical scenario was - Sam was in guitars trying a tune,Rathz was on comp looking for some interesting stuff and myself was with a pen and a torn piece of 'Jockey' underware cover(this was not a voyeuristic drive mind you ...merely due to lack of available paper..think recycling!).Sam ,wary of the 'dooms-day obsessive' lyrics of mine,was strumming a jocund tune which in turn really irked me,coz I had the daunting task of writing a Love song !!It was very difficult to start the ball rolling.What the heck ,I was having what do you called 'Writers Block'.But aloha,it was Rathz who did the trick !He came up with the first two lines of the song and things started falling in place and the rest was History.Well,yes the lyrics has lost in the annals of history below a pile of scrap papers in the God forsaken nook of BJ-128.

Today I chanced upon the lost 'gem' and wasted no time in posting this piece in our wall lest it again gets cast away in the chasms of obscurity.I cudn't come up with a name.Open for suggestion.
I never knew a girl more sexy
When I saw you going by a taxi
I saw you ,I fell in love
Oh my baby,O my sweet love
Wish I could say it to you

When I sleep ,I still wonder
Does she know that I love her
I tried hard every night and day
This word of love I couldn't say
Wish I could sing it for you

Then one day I saw you again
Near my house,walking in the rain
You saw me. How that stupid fella -
Standing there with an umbrella
Wish I could, give it to you


Haha.Dude,I was in such a bad mood when I opened the website and your lines have really cheered me up.The lines of the song sound a lil funny though but I know when combined with great music,these very lines will sound awesome!

.I remember listening and singing Yellow lemon tree.I was hooked to this song and could every word of it.One of the cutest songs ever!

And btw,nice post! Has "The karma touch" !
atri said…
karmu ....awesome lyrics dude...i liked it..excellent..good one and the next few days, I will have a great time trying to give tune to this lyrics.Keep on posting such lyrics or mail me ...
( a good Italian wine for this lyrics next time when I meet you in Kolkata ) ....

It makes me reminiscent of the college days when all of us would gather in Sam or Karmu's room and Sam trying hard to give tune with Dion's guitar......
You guys are lucky in one way as you can still carry on the legacy of composing writing lyrics, one giving tune and the other making a video of it.... I wonder why you are in such a dysphoric mood..... and CATastrophe will keep on happening till you are a part of the rat race....Make merry and have fun with good wine/beer(anything/anybody you like)and you will definitely get what you want..See Richard Branson dude -:) ..(You can even bell the will not be a CATastrophe belive me!!)...
Nice one!
Great to know that the music sessions still take place and keep composing.
As I read the lyrics of the song, a Bombay Vikings tune was playing in my head- I don't know why, but the lyrics seemed like a song he'd write! What was the actual tune you'll came up with?

Karma said…
Well,its really gratifying to find eulogies for a relatively weak composition of mine !! \m/ from karma to all to who spared their time and energy go through it..

@Mann I too find this lyrics very funny..need all juntas acumen to restructure this as a song or else like every lyrics of fine,this too will end up in bin

@Atri I would really love to post all of these if u find them worth giving attention..U know what, these jocund lyrics are result of the extreme sombre mood swings.. kinda ejaculates when the lid really blows off !! Waiting for ur Italian wine by the way

@Dion Well Sam actually gave effort to put some nice tune in this otherwise tacky piece...but unfortunately the composition ended up in amalgamation of "Stacy's Mom" tempo meets guitar licks of "Come as you are".. aversion was recorded and promptly removed later
ABC said…

Another Sunday is coming !!

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