Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?
- Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
Yeah finally after a long slumber I am back.At this time of night when India sleeps a lonely soul types away to glory trying to fight off sleep from his groggy eyes.YAWN.Man its really late.I should have been sleeping by now.But ain't this what I have been doing this for years.Being comfortably numb.Looking back in retrospect I guess I could have become so much and done so many things.But invariably a kinda weariness sweeps over me. I can feel a force of drag bogging me down.I can recall a poem we had in school called "The Road not taken" by Robert Frost.This part of the poem really haunts me
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference
Man ain't it it so true.I have always chosen the road more travelled,alwayz being on the safe side of things.Have alwayz been wary of choppy water and waiting earnestly for favorable tide.Never thought I would be trapped in a glass enclosure working for a would-be-top-IT-company with zombies around me.In personal front too I have been a wreck.People have a notion that either I am a 'Saint' or a strong adherent of article 377!!What the heck.I find quite a strong resemblance of my life with the guitar I can see from my bed ,covered by muck with its strings askew,waiting in non-nonchalance for some hand to pick it up,tighten the strings and start strumming.
Well,junta really apologizes for the vapid stuff.I am loosing my writing streak too.I guess I will take a swig from the Finlandia bottle that is luring me.Dozing off from now with beautiful lines by Robert Frost again.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep......zzzzZZZZ
the pics the post are quite good...
Anyway,I guess,I can very well relate to the "weariness" you are talking about.At times,I'm also a victim of that sweeping "weariness"-the feeling of getting stuck in a manhole for ages,but whenever I get that "sinking" feeling,I somehow pull up my socks again and tell myself that I am not giving up.
Probably.the song Someday by Bonjovi very well expresses the feeling which we are talking about.A great spirit lifter it is!