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I am not Advertising!

Because I can't. It is banned under the Code of Conduct to advertise about your ability as a lawyer! Please don't ask me, why!
Ohkay, you can actually, ironically, they say that a noble profession like law should not be corrupted by advertisements.. *YEAH, I rolled my eyes too when I got to know the reason*, Law and noble, they don't really go hand in hand.
But I feel that the real reason behind this is, so that the lawyers don't end up giving importance to advertising and forget that they really are to help people. The funny thing though is, that a well known lawyer is a well known lawyer, by the word of mouth, and therefore, it becomes really important for us to be at our best, and to do our best with the client. That is the reason why a lawyer would defend a criminal! Because, that is his job. And he has to be true to his client. The conflict of the inner conscience comes later. Yes, lawyers have a moral conscience and they pray to God! But then, they believe in 'Work is Worship'.

It is a known fact that for a young lawyer without a backing in this profession, it is a very long fight to actually have a stable base and to get a substantial income home. *A BIG reason why you would find a lot of lower court lawyers unmarried, especially those who are not from Delhi* *And a BIG reason why my was so averse to me becoming a lawyer, her favourite crack at the profession is, "Who will marry a lawyer?"* Thus, every client that comes your way, even if it is something as small as just making of an Affidavit, it is a big thing to do it. If nothing else, atleast you know that tomorrow if there is some legal work, he may think of you as the first person to come to!

So, I am also a young advocate, *I even have a certificate and an I-card to prove it* and even though I have a law chamber waiting for me, I am a little greedy and I want to do something on my own, it makes me happier and gives me confidence. So, at least, all of you all, if you have anything that has anything to do with my profession, you know how to find me!
But, please, this is not advertising! :)


raj alakshendra said…
dont worry , i would definitely take legal support from u only ..
...@ish@... said…
hey nice one
i enjoyed reading it.
BDW according to my present situation i will be needing you greatly.
So,even though you didn't advertised i am appointing you my Family lawyer.
Sakshi said…
This is the power of Social Media :)
Shayon would be really proud of me now :)

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