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Something New...

Finally some relief.My waitlist in XIMB(b-school) got converted.For the last two years I have seen only two seasons.Summer season followed by MBA season and both sapped my energy considerably.Though I missed the XLRI bus despite having very high percentile but I am happy. May be I got what I deserved.The idea of getting back to campus/hostel life is exciting.The concept of 9-7 job and a thick pay slip has never been too appealing to me(I can afford to say this because there has been steady flow of salary in my account for quite a sometime :))I know after 2 years I will be recycled back to the same system.But my resolution is that I will use these 2 yrs effectively and find myself a job which I will not get bored of for the next 8-10 yrs atleast :).

Now that for 20 odd days I have plenty of time to kill and I am using this time constructively(read sleeping).Last week I visited a place called Wayanad in Kerala with Pranav and some other guys.The main attraction was the overhyped jungle safari.We overheard somebody mentioning Leopard and big pythons being seen in the jungle.After 30 minutes of bumpy ride all we managed to do is to catch a glimpse of 2-3 deers and a kingfisher.bulls***.But half an hour of jeep ride in the rough terrain made me throw up like a python though.

These days I surf the net and listen to various music.The other day I was trying to find the song ‘Vande Mataram’(Not the A.R rahman one).But to my surprise I found that there is no vocal version of the original song except for the 1 min DD version(Though it is our national song).So I decided to record it on my own and give it my own treatment.I am posting it here or it may find its way to the recycle bin if it remains in my laptop.Do listen to it when you are in a relaxed mood with a headphone.Hope you will like it.

PS:Topfloorers staying abroad can use it as a necessary dose of patriotism:)

In case the player is not working here is the download Link


Congrats for the XIMB conversion.I'm or rather we all are really happy. I knew that you'll do it.Apart from enjoying the college life again,take this as an opportunity which would allow you to do something interesting post-MBA. Otherwise,for a person like you,I can say that you'll get very bored with the kind of post-MBA jobs.
Song mast record kia hai bey. I started listening to the song before I read that you have sung it. Really a very good piece.
Joining kab se XIMB mein ?
Unknown said…
Dude... firstly, hearty congratulations for the admission!

Btw, you had just been to Wayanad? You should also have been to Coorg, the coffee plantations and the falls, there. They are amazingly beautiful. And well, the local preparation of pork in that part of the country simply rocks. I can only hope that you hadn't missed that at least.

As for the song, it did sound really soothing... very nicely done. I have a friend here in Delhi who has a band of his own, and every time he composes new music, he sends them to me for feedback. It's only co-incidence that I had just critiqued one of his creations right before I heard your music :-p

Anyway, wish you all the luck for your new life ahead.
raj alakshendra said…
congrats yaar ...
enjoy the coming two days to the fullest ..

the composition was very good ... loved listening to it n i hope to see more soon ...
shanoob said…
what happened taklu ??? So bored to type such a boring post ? :)
samik said…
@everyone thnx
@Shayon na re.Did not go to Coorg.I have been to the falls.It's very dangerous.One fellow hurt himself badly while trying to climb a 'zero friction' rock.
ABC said…
yuhuu Taklu..congratulations.. :))

yeah, liked your rendition of 'Vande Mataram'..super..agley kuch dino mein, give us some more pieces to enjoy..


If you happen to be at any Indian Railways station early morning, Vande Mataram is played (May be at 5 or 6)..You may be jittery early morning, but then the song opens up your senses for a refreshing start to the day ahead..Sometimes I play Vande Mataram when I get up, it feels good..The feel of National Anthem and the National Song being sung/played at public places is very special and fills you with pride and josh..

Vande Mataram.
shastha said…
Congrates Samik.
Rajorshi said…
Hey Samik,
wonderful news that your efforts got a fruitful result at the end.. Congratulations.. Yeah,more than MBA, going back to college does sound like a 'coffee' break.. Regarding the song, it really sounded nice and soothing..
samik said…
Thnks Rathz,Shastha,Rajorshi..
Unknown said…
@ Sam,
Congrats! Finally your hard work has paid off! Make use of this great opportunity!
Sleep all you want now, but stay awake in XIMB (otherwise, it'll be NIT, Jam all over again- which might not be a bad thing!).
With regards to the song, amazing! It was great to hear your voice again and the brought a smile to my face. Like Rathz said, it's nice to wake up to this (I just got to my lab an hour ago and decided to check the blog)- so hopefully my day will go well.

Ankit said…
Congrats samik for XIMB!!
And song was really gr8 & soothing....amazing voice quality that sitar sound in the background...
raj alakshendra said…
so , hw ws ur day ???
Sakshi said…
Here is wishing you all the love and luck in life :)
Mainak said…
Congos taklu da... even though u stopped giving missed calls but i thought at least now u could have called :)

BTW bora landed in my house just today morning. He is joining INFOSYS tomorrow. The best thing he hasn't changed a bit... Still the same CHICKEN Boss....... HOREYY
Suman said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suman said…
well Sam...many many congr8s....i heard it frm Rahul few weeks ago...and sorry 4 being so late wish...but i think it is better to be late then never buddy....wish u all the luck der....i hope ur classes has been started...
and yes of course thanks 4 d bande matram song...i liked it very much....

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