Durga Puja wishes to everyone. Celebrations have already started in Kolkata. People rather than vechiles have swarmed the roads as gangs of friends, families and love birds go about puja pandal hopping. In the evenings, various song and dance events are held. The performances include classical and traditional themes as well the new age moves and sounds. Age too is no bar, yesterday I saw a performance by a respectable old man, singing a Bengali traditional song. The enthusiasm and joy is everwhere to be seen. Today I woke up early, to the sounds of the 'Dhak'. I am feeling good today. :)
May this season of devotion and celebration bring joy and happiness to our lives.
Delhi- too is in its full festive spirit with the navratri and Dandiya happening. Ramzaan and Id added to the flavour...
and with the Pujo starting off today- the traffic is a mess but the spirits are high as we all celebrate the victory of Good over evil.
May this festivity bring wth itself lots of happiness, health and wealth to all of us.