This is the new chapter on wall-mag - Annual Report . its just the analysis of our page on a yearly basis ... Its actually needed as this page is heading towards slow death - no of posts n also comments r decreasing day by day.
Break up of post :
Raj - 28 (even i am surprised on this figure)
Raths - 16
Sakshi- 15
Ankit - 9
karma -9
Shayon - 4
ayesha - 2
Rajorshi, Chiru , Samik , dion , dipayan - 1.
During the first half of the year the page was more happening as more writers used to contribute. In the last quarter only me , raths n sakshi had written anything..
Surprising fact is that there was not a single post from Manvender n Atri the whole year ... and both of them are regularly reading the comments ...
Karma and Ankit , we want u back ...
Dion ,u ass hole , dont u have one hour the whole year to write three - four posts.
Shayon, dude u are the blogger guru for us , we want more from u ..
The new entries share more about yourself ...
This wall mag is our dream n we all need to keep it alive ...
write anything , just anything.. I have seen that it takes not more than 15 min to put up a post ... we all can take two hour in 365 days to write some eight posts ..
many of us are in different countries , u all can share some of ur experiences ...
arre bhai log , when i can write in my tuti footi english then why not u guys...
njoy ...
I certainly could have done better. I understand that if all of us really start citing the various x,y,z reasons for not putting up a post, this website will come to a dead-end. I will certainly do better this year and I think I've already opened my account with a new year post :-D