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The flag of success flutters,finally!

Camera,Lights,action: Yo!Meminem is here to share his moment of happiness with you all for achieving a big breakthrough in his life .
Folks,I appeared for the GMAT yesterday and scored 720 on the exam .Honestly speaking,I wasn't expecting this much .A String of failures over the past few years,disappointments after disappointments, finally culminated in an awesome success!
Unlike other times when I could write a whole big article on some damn topic,today I'm really out of words to express the sense of relief ,euphoria and victory coz no words can do justice to the level of contentment and elation I feel.I appeared for the exam yesterday and till now I'm still telling myself "Oh man! Did you really score that much and that too in the first go ?Damn!"And what makes me more happy is that I had a lot of plans on hold coz of the exam,and finally I'd be able to execute them now.Anyway,soon I'd be kicking off with the application procedure for the universities in the US,maybe Europe too!It's hell lot of work but I'm all game for it, after all the GMAT was the biggest hurdle! The days ahead are gonna be quite busy coz of other commitments but boy,I feel relieved,content and on top of the world.Feel like I've been just released after a hundred years of imprisonment.Feel like I have returned from the battlefield ,victorious!
Life,here I come!


Sakshi said…
CONGRATS!!! I can always say 'I-told you- so'; but will not. Partyyyy time...!!! Like seriously dude- we need to spend some time together..
ABC said…
badhai ho mannu bhai..

raj alakshendra said…
Jai ho mannu bhai. Laage raho.
Ankit said…
congrats dude.....grand gpl ka time hai...
Mainak said…
congrtas tent man.... may u rise higher n higher :)
raj alakshendra said…
Gands GPL ka naam mat le else teri ho jayegi. Col ke din bhool gaya.
Thanks to all of you ! :)
Soon,I'll be active on my blog too .It'd be to keep you all informed about the latest on this front, as I'd need help from some of you during the application process.
Congrats! That's a huge one! I'll reply to your e-mail.

atri said…
Congrats dude...Its a pretty decent score to fetch admission in a good b school.

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