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Hmmm- So do you all care?

Being the lawyer and all...
I just can't sit quitely while one of the biggest ever even is on the verge of Happening....

I am talking about the General Elections, that are going to happen in the Month of April.
How many of you have voted ever??
And how many of you have a Voter's I card??

So here is the link to Election Commission of India. Visit the Link... and try and figure out, where are you gonna go and vote.
Btw- Shayon's Labyrinth is back in action... the political commentry on the coming election and the views that I have are gonna be there.... 


We are all responsible citizens!
No need for the lecture [;-D]
Ha ha ha.
Sakshi said…
Dude- Just doing my duty...!!! That is it.
I somehow feel very strongly about elections.
Unknown said…
i dont have one..

but i think it'll be a herculean task to make one..

my perm residence is in assam.i m in kolkata and my parents are in orissa and my prev last long stay was in jsr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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