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This is LIFE!!

Wow! The first time I set up this blog, I had no clue how it's gonna shape up. A half of me was clueless about it's fate, the rest half was trying to figure out what would be the use of such a blog. Today when I look at it, with people wishing each other on their birthdays, boosting up others' morale, using the blog as a platform to showcase one's musical acumen, fighting over the country's political issues, planning out trips and keeping each other updated of their respective lives - yes, I am proud to be a part of such enthusiastic bunch of crazy buffoons who'd do anything and everything to be at each other's side. I must admit, it this blog that makes me wish to go back to my college days, back to that hole that I was so desperate to get out of.

For the past 2 months, I have been staying in a little 2-room apartment with a friend of mine, B (let's call him that), at a place called Kalkaji. I liked the place when we got it because it is practically 10 minutes away from my office and hardly any distance from Sakshi's place. Moreover, the apartment also has a porch in the front where we sit around, at times, drinking and making merry. Have a gem of a neighbor who also happens to be our newspaper guy. His wife is a darling who always makes sure to bring our clothes in when we forget to do the same ourselves, after letting them out all day to dry.

One of the other advantages of this place is, despite being a proper residential locality, haven't had anyone complaining, for once, about Sakshi's (almost) weekly visits to my place. What more, even have a pair of escorts staying right above our apartment who "play naughty" with us! ;-) Seriously, quite a heaven.

As far as the city itself is concerned, I ain't too impressed, really. The traffic, the weather, and most importantly, the work culture, sucks big time. Allow me to illustrate my point a little more. My official timings are 9:30am - 5:30pm. I remember, the very second day in my office and by 6pm, there were only 3 people (out of about 20) sitting in my floor. I was amazed to see how quickly everyone dispersed the moment the clock gonged 5:30. Reminded me of my school days when we used to wait with bated breath, during the last periods, to be let loose.

I also remember, since I work in a team, I have to rely to a few more colleagues to get a work done. Now, I needed Mr A to upload a particular file so that I could work on it and finish it off before the end of that day. Since it was 5pm already, he refused to comply and even commented, "Itna saara kaam karne ki kya zaroorat hai? Jitna kaha gaya hai bas utna hi karo na. Extra kyun karte ho? Extra kaam kar ke kya mujhse zyaada salary kama loge?" I have no idea if you'd be able to understand how frustrated and exhasperated I felt, that moment. I made it a point to get the required credentials, after that, so that I don't have to depend on Mr A for subsequent jobs! When I look around, I always get this feeling that people around me work only because they need the dough to feed themselves. As long as that certain criterion is satisfied, they do not care what's happening around them.

If I keep going on giving examples, I am sure I'll have to skip the night's sleep. Man, is this the situation every where around the country? At least it is MY first experience!

Speaking of my room mate, B, his wife and a 1 year old kid just arrived in Delhi, today. They plan to stay here for 1 - 1 and a half months before they head back to Mumbai, where B's parents stay. Well, B wasn't too keep to search for a new place to stay in, just for a few weeks. Understandting his dilemma, I offered him the idea of staying here itself, since it's anyways not for a long time and he agreed.

Today evening I return back home, from office, and I was greeted by B's kid, sitting on MY chair and grinning to full glory. Even I gave him a 32-watt smile and walked forward to shake his hand. Right when I touched his fingers, this little devil pisses onto MY chair, flowing over onto MY hand and completely wetting MY shoes, socks and feet! Man, and I thought it's time I settled down, myself! At that very moment of realization, I figured kids are a long long.... really long shot for me! What more, I can't even smoke in MY OWN VERY ROOM, anymore, neither can I drink nor can I eat non-veg since his wife is a vegetarian (Gujju) and can not tolerate non-veg around her.

So, here I am, sitting right on the so-called favorite porch of mine, ousted off my own home, legs sprawled on that very chair wetted by the little devil a few hours ago, my laptop on my lap and blogging away. I am so glad I had bought off a wireless router some time back. Sweet Jesus! At least I can surf freely, without any restrictions, sitting on my porch and not worrying about B and his family, about what I am allowed and not allowed in my own home, about how I loved this place even yesterday, about how I could sleep in my undies, without a worry of the world, how I could cook whatever I wanted to, whenever I wanted to!

I guess, this is what they call, LIFE! You can love it, you can hate it - but you can not run away from it!

PS - I was just informed by B that I should lower the volume of my music since the little devil of his is sleeping inside! Koi chullu bhar paani do yaar...


Sakshi said…
Arre baap re...!!! I am so sorry... that you are facing such a terrible life...
Yaar, itna bura bhi nahin hai mera shahar... you could have written something positive abt it... apart from the neighbours...
Publicly- Thank you...!!!
Unknown said…
ha ha..

for you::
Shayon said…
Well, actually, I had planned to write about Delhi food that I adore so much. It's just that, amidst all the frustration over the "little devil", I forgot to mention the same :-p

Dude, in times like these, all you send me is a 70's classic?

I guess, from now on, I'm gonna call that "little devil" as Hell Boy (I hope you have seen the movie or read the comics series)
raj alakshendra said…
i donno hw wil u manage next 1.5 months . il recomnd u dat u do frndship with the Hell boy ... see if some1 is stronger than u thn its better do frndship with u.. waise bache to man ke sache hote hai ... also ul hav a practise to manage kids ...ha ha ha ... u can actually teach him abt compuetrs n all.
Sakshi said…
Awesome suggestion Raj...!!! Really, you know, absolutely outta context but, well, even I have nieces, and they are awesome. And a lot of it is related to how the parent(s) decide to rear the kid... in this case... No comments...
Shayon said…
@ Sakshi
Seriously, do you know that rear is mostly used for animals than human beings? Of course, the hell-boy won't be much short of that.

@ Raj
Saale... woh bachcha nahin hai... maha shaitaan hai. I am actually afraid to go back home, from office, today. I guess I am surely gonna stay back in office, now on, untill I am the last man left around this place!
Wow!! Finally,the founding father has graced this page after a long long time..The post made for a really good read.
And the escorts thing was kool..Lemme know their rates :D:D..
Hahah js kidding..
However,I dont agree with you that Delhi sucks..I think it is much more green & peaceful than Mumbai and regarding your office mates-I can really relate to em coz I am like one of them..I think that a regular job aint the thing for you-you would do better as an entreprenur :-)
I guess you are missing your dear friend Shanoob and doing wat he is best at..Posting weird comments .Ha ha ha
Unknown said…


btw kal apan bore nahi honaa chahiye cube mein..
post the whacko entries..
raj alakshendra said…
i too like delhi more than mumbai ... the major reason is its more green... n also the metro

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