Long ago, a bunch of young minds rowed a seed. They were very excited at the beginning. In the process of taking care so that the seed germinates; they exchanged ideas and shared their experiences of joy and sorrow. The seed transformed into a healthy sapling, thanks to the contributions from the young minds.
Over time, the young fellas moved apart. Nevertheless, they still cared for the sapling. There was always somebody to look after and thus the sapling grew into a small tree giving delight to the young bunch and also to strangers.
Inevitably, the young bunch grew up and were caught in the intricacies of life. Priorities changed and the small tree became a neglected object. Sometimes though, it was remembered especially on anniversaries and special days.
At present the bunch randomly visits the full-grown tree and takes a break in the cool shade of the tree. Many birds and stranger humans have become it's regular visitors.
The neglect though may kill the tree eventually. The tree is on it's way to a slow death unless it gets back the love and affection of it's human friends. Will it survive?
I remember a time when I would visit the tree every morning before work. But as time passes, I find myself dropping by maybe once a week or even bi-weekly!
I come to work early in the morning and go back late in the evening (just eating something before I go to sleep).
The present apathy (displayed by me and most of us) is disconcerting! I don't know how re-ignite that flame!
Hope we can bring back the excitement..