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Chiru Reloaded..

Hi everybody,
Most probably I am writing in this blog almost after one yr. Thanks to all who are still very active in our TOPFLOOER’S blog (Raj may be only proactive person to push people to get connected by online). For those people who do not know me can ref. the person 1st from left of the football wining team photo(R&D team of Maruti) of inter divisional tournament. Life has become too busy to even think about myself after joining at engine auxiliary design dept. company has planned to make new vehicle every year and they are involving new joiners like us as project co-coordinator plus design and development of respective parts. works time almost 10hrs a day, 6days a week. That is why i am not in online or in blog regularly.

Visit to japan: In the busy schedule i have chance to have a business trip to japan(city: Hamamatsu; suzuki headquarter) for four days. A nice , clean but strenge country. Strenge in the sence, you will never find more disciplined people than japanse. They hate to blow horn in road(it's like a crime to blow horn of vehicles at market or at city). speedbraker can not be found in japan because if there is any speed limit(or go slow sign) on road the driver will follow that by default.
  • Now-a-days japenese have realised that they are no more self-sufficient and self-dependent people. To stay ahead in the global market and doing buisness globally they understand the need of knowledge of english. Now-a-days japs children have started to go to english school.
  • I have visited two city: hamamatsu and nagoya; but missed Tokyo for lack of time. some pics have been uploaded. All cities are well connected by fast bullet trian network.

For information I have bought a yahama gladiator last week. Abhi mast gum raha hoon baike main.




raj alakshendra said…
welcome back ...
n i know all u maruti guys r online every night ... al of u r having internet at ur home .. u jus feel too lazy to open this site ...
newez u should thank me for forcing u too this site last night ...n u wrote a whole post .. n continue to be active this time...

japan pics r too good ... its far ahead of india... u didnt wrote abt the watch which u got frm dere bur u r not able to operate it . ha ha ha ..

plz put the pics of ur new bike n use it for going on rides with girls not with guys... waise bhi aajkal in hawaon aur fizao mein dostana faila hua hai ...
Sakshi said…
Hey, Welcome to TWM...!!! Great pics of Japan...!!!
"Chiru bhai ..chiru bhai ..chiru bhai..
chiru bhai:as u keep our LEGS in a new life ..."
nice pics....Japan Rocks as does Chirubhai..

Abey bike pe kaise ghumayega woh kisi ko ..uski "Woh" to Kol main hai :-)
Dipayan said…
"Ei chiruda- kotha theke udoy hole".....For those who doesn't know bengali... I just said "where have you raised from?".....The jap pics r really some pics of ur bike.....
Chiranjit said…

Raj mera japani watch ka bare main etna hauwa maat phek. usko India std. time main change kiya, bahut bara baat hain; but date 4 din agay nikal gaya. mera condition dek; date dekna ka liya 4 days minus karna parta hain.
Karma said…
Wilcommen Chiruda !!!!
Nice to c ya at the mag...boy ain't it charming to read chiruda's post...infested with typo errors and self-conceived words( joiners for example), it's classic Chiru-da to the hilt....hope u are having great and "phosphorous" the way the Japan pics looks aweful.... all I see is buildings(kinda remnind me of the view of sector V from the top of Omega Building !).. I expected to c lodsa the way the opening pic is really heartwarming....u brandishing the 'V' sign and ur sparkling 32..hope u 'head-buttted' through the defence(which all our founding toopflooeres might recall from our evening soccer matches at NIT) with ur typical gusto and vigor...
Donot worry about ur frequency of visit..what matters is that u actually took minutes off from the busy hours from ur life to come up with this post.....
Salud to that!

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