Hey guys, how you been doing?
Well, Sorry for being away from the blog for so many weeks. Anyway, I wanted to update you folks on one of the biggest decisions I've ever taken, in my life. I RESIGNED! Yes, I have resigned from WATMedia Pvt Ltd. Why? That's a surprise in store for you all. I'll unveil it very soon. Just a hint. I am ready to pursue my dream! Yes, I am planning to embrace my ambitions and make my dreams come true.
By the way, if you can't hold the excitement, try the "stop and start" routine! (If you do not know what's that, click on this link . :-P )
Thanks a lot, for loving me and having faith in me!!
Well, Sorry for being away from the blog for so many weeks. Anyway, I wanted to update you folks on one of the biggest decisions I've ever taken, in my life. I RESIGNED! Yes, I have resigned from WATMedia Pvt Ltd. Why? That's a surprise in store for you all. I'll unveil it very soon. Just a hint. I am ready to pursue my dream! Yes, I am planning to embrace my ambitions and make my dreams come true.
By the way, if you can't hold the excitement, try the "stop and start" routine! (If you do not know what's that, click on this link . :-P )
Thanks a lot, for loving me and having faith in me!!
Shayon, I think I think that I have an idea what you're up to. Congrats by the way.
the link was awsm but nt smthing new ..that's smthing evrybdy is cool enough to be nt-told-yet-know it
@ Mann
Dude, you forget, we also have people like Gands and Shashtha reading the blog!! ;-)
Yeah!! That's there..the other day Meerut was bombarding me wid such silly questions regarding all this to make even gands would feel that he's way ahead in the race .
man, i hope at least NOWW you would be taking steps in the right direction,regularly :-)
Congrates for your Resignation. At least we have people who dare to follow their dreams.
All of you are Drama queens...!!! I have been laughing my head off...!!!
Though- Thank heavens for this, I though all of you had hibernated...!!!
Oh it was a great sence of FREEDOM.