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And Sinbad, the Sailor, Sails Away...

... i just feeling like looking ur snap again n again...... u r da best....
we all love u a lot atul.... miss u atul.... mis u

i still remember d last time i met u before comin to delhi may ur soul rest in peace

missin u loads "blue boy"......still cnt believe it.......luv u loads....

Its beyond my comprehension...I cannot digest such a fucking thought...It has ripped the ground from under my feet...why the fucking bike man...why the fucking bike?

tough to believe ..its really tough to believe for me bro ... u will always be remembered ...u are simply the youth of the nation ...u r one among the best individual of the college ... oh lord almighty i pray u whole heartedly for the soul ... miss u a lot bro

So? What do you think of the above few quotes? The comments section of an obituary? Nope, they are actually snippets off the scrapbook of a pretty close friend of mine. No, he wasn't just a friend, he was my brother... the only younger brother I ever had!

I was in an important meeting, yesterday afternoon, when I suddenly get a sms from a common friend, "Did you hear about Atul? It was really sad!" and then Saxi's message asking me to call up Manas, in quick succession. Normally I give my work a higher priority, but yesterday, my heart skipped a beat. I excused myself out of the air conditioned conference room and called up Manas.

I guess, the rest of the story is pretty much conceivable, isn't it? Yes, another bike accident on the roads of Pune! Another Symbiosis student spot dead! That was what the news was broadcast!

Yes, I lost my brother yesterday.

This is not an obituary that I am working on. Frankly, I do not know what it is that I am writing. I just know that it's an avenue to vent out my emotions, my frustrations. I was surprised to find that I didn't shed a single tear drop, after I heard about the incident. My first reaction was to rush off to Pune but somehow, my vanity and sanity prevailed.

I was thinking of talking about a few things that we had done together, of sharing a few good times that we shared together. Somehow, while I ponder on them, I realize I have so many memories buried within myself that I'll have to break open a huge dam to recount them all. I suddenly realized, despite us not being in regular touch in the last 1 year, I still love him as much as I always did!

Sometimes, I feel guilty to keep the moods so sombre around The Wall Mag, in the past week or so. I know, after a day's hard work, it is the Wall Mag that brings a cheer to your face. Yet, in a city with no friends and family, this was the only place I could speak out.

Just a few words for Atul,

You Rock, man!!


Sakshi said…
It was a big shock to me too...!!! But such is life, the circle gets completed at death. :(
May his spirit rest in peace!!!
raj alakshendra said…
its very sad 2 hear dis....
its all part of life...
Karma said…
Hey !!
Thats really sad.The sense of loss,deprivation are all part of this great journey called life and as the Great Showman once said said "The show must go on"...with every passing moment the wave of time shall wash away the names carved on the sands of eternity...what remains in the memory.

May his soul rest in peace but not his memories....

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